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How do I get QuestID in my own scripts

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 7:04 pm
by redmondurbino
Currently, I am sending a message as one of the Actions in a quest node. I put in
Parameter: questId
Value: String

In the example above FixChair_1 is the id of the quest, and I manually typed FixChair_1. I was looking for a tag like {QUESTID} similar to {QUESTGIVERID}. Unfortunately there isn't any.

The plan is to create a template quest and then duplicate and customize that over and over. However, I can see in the future the designer forgetting to change that manually typed value in the newly created quests.

If there's a better way to get questId in my own scripts, can you please tell me how?

Re: How do I get QuestID in my own scripts

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 7:35 pm
by Tony Li
{QUESTID} isn't currently a tag, but I'll add it to the next update.