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Dialogue System v1.3.3 Now Available!

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 4:35 am
by Tony Li
Version 1.3.3 is now available on the Unity Asset Store!

This version adds support for Master Audio and Animator Timeline Editor.

It includes the following new features and fixes:


Added localization of alert messages, quest titles, and any other field.

Added: DialogueManager/DialogueSystemController.GetLocalizedText()

Improved: In Dialogue Editor, Ctrl+Click now simulates right clicks.

Improved: Audio(), AudioWait(), Voice() sequencer commands check the value of optional Lua variable "Mute".

Changed: Rolled Editors and Examples sub-namespaces into the main PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem namespace.

Changed: Added dialogue database gizmo, restructured menu items to integrate more seamlessly with Unity editor.

Fixed: Lua environment wasn't loading basic libraries (e.g., math).

Fixed: Dialogue Manager > Allow PC Subtitle Reminders would always show PC subtitle even if NPC spoke last line

Fixed: PersistentPositionData with positions >= 1000

Third Party:

Adventure Creator: Fixed: Skipping cutscenes with conversation actions now closes conversations cleanly; local variables wouldn't sync after changing scene.

Animator Timeline Editor: Added support.

CoreGameKit: Updated support for CoreGameKit v3.2.1.9.

Master Audio: Added support.

UFPS: Added DialogueSystemOnDie, added destructible crate to example scene.

Dialogue System v1.3.3 Now Available!

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 7:52 am
by Tony Li
Reminder: When you update to v1.3.3, please also reimport any applicable support packages in Third Party Support.