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initial Database Reset

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 8:26 am
by minomod
1. Connect the database to the initial database and commit to SVN.
2. Confirm from other PC
3. Database is disconnected

Why do I keep releasing prefabs separately?

Re: initial Database Reset

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 9:17 am
by Tony Li

Are there any warnings when you commit and pull down from the repo?

Are you looking at the same scene on PC #2? Maybe PC #2 is looking at a different scene in which the database has not been assigned to the scene's Dialogue Manager instance.

The medicine1 database is assigned to the Dialogue Manager scene instance, not your custom Dialogue Manager prefab. Can you try assigning the database to the prefab? If you do this, check the prefab itself on PC #2. Is the correct database still assigned?

If you make a chance to medicine1 on PC #1 and then sync to PC #2, does the change appear in medicine1 on PC #2? Maybe PC #2 is looking at a different medicine1 database. Or maybe the database has different a .meta file.

Re: initial Database Reset

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 10:13 pm
by minomod
Copying an existing database file and attaching a new one solved the problem.

If you have a problem like me, try the above