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Turning Scripts On/Off on a Certain Dialogue Entry

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:33 am
by bakershah
Hi Iv'e been using your system for very months now and quite enjoy it. One Thing that has been bugging me is getting scripts to run when a certain dialogue entry is initiated. I'm working on a RPG and while I'm in a conversation I want certain other things in the background to happen when you make a conversation choice e.x: Particles, audio, and certain objects to turn on and off. How can you link individual scripts with the dialogue system in simply getting them to enable or disable on a certain entry?

Turning Scripts On/Off on a Certain Dialogue Entry

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 9:28 am
by Tony Li
Hi! You can use sequencer commands for this.

Use SetEnabled() to enable or disable a script. For example, say you have a particle effect on a GameObject named "Fountain". To turn it on when a dialogue entry is initiated, set the dialogue entry's Sequence field to:

SetEnabled(ParticleSystem, true, Fountain)

The manual page describes what arguments are optional. If the particle effect is on the speaker, you can just use:


If the script is already enabled and you want to execute a specific method on it, use the SendMessage() sequencer command. For example, say the speaker has a spell-casting script with a Cast(string spellName) method.  Use this sequence command:

SendMessage(Cast, Fireball)

This is equivalent to the script code:

speaker.SendMessage("Cast", "Fireball", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

where 'speaker' is the GameObject speaking the current dialogue entry.