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Barks and Conversations

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 10:42 pm
by ferakiii
I'm using both barks and conversations as speech bubbles and am having a problem with how I want things to play out.

I have an Input "Fire 2" that is meant to represent "talk" for the player. If they press it the player should do a little bark (Yells out to Dad), but if they are next to an area of interest, or are holding an item they should play the conversation relating to that thing.

I am using the proximity selector to trigger area of interest conversations, but am calling the Barks from my main input script.

The problem is that the bark fires and plays behind the conversation (so 2 speech bubbles) because the triggers are the same, and I can't tell from my input script if a conversation "should" play, since that is determined by the proximity scripts.

I have tried changing to the Bark being a conversation instead, but then I can't use the "chose a random bark" logic, and it also has the same issue of triggering before desired conversation, and therefore either playing for a short time, or blocking all together.

I'm wondering if there is a better way to set this up? I feel like I'm doing the wrong things.

Also bonus question, any way to setup the "Pick a random option" in a normal conversation?

Re: Barks and Conversations

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 8:52 am
by Tony Li

To choose a random entry from a conversation, use the RandomizeNextEntry() Lua function or sequencer command on the preceding node (i.e., the one that links to the random nodes). This post has more info on different ways of randomizing content.

In your main input script, check if the player's ProximitySelector is currently detecting a usable. If so, don't trigger the bark. For example:

Code: Select all

void Start()
    myProximitySelector = GetComponent<ProximitySelector>();

void Update()
    if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
        if (myProximitySelector.currentUsable == null) // Nothing in proximity; it's OK to bark.
            DialogueManager.BarkString("Hello world");

Re: Barks and Conversations

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 1:30 am
by ferakiii
Thanks Tony! I'll do that for the random conversation.

That current usable looks like what I need. I'll do have to check wether it has a dialog action on that usuable as well, but it's a good direction to start me off in (i.e. some items may just be pickupable but have no talking when you pick them up).

Cheers for the help

Re: Barks and Conversations

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 7:49 am
by Tony Li
Happy to help! :-)