If you want that to be the default sequence, you can set the Dialogue Manager's Camera & Cutscene Settings > Default Sequence.
Since you're referencing PC Portrait Image, I assume it's for the PC only. In this case, set the Default Player Sequence to:
Code: Select all
AnimatorPlay(Talking, PC Portrait Image);
AnimatorPlay(Idle, PC Portrait Image)@Message(Typed);
And you'll probably want to set the regular Default Sequence to:
Code: Select all
AnimatorPlay(Talking, NPC Portrait Image);
AnimatorPlay(Idle, NPC Portrait Image)@Message(Typed);
It will be used for NPCs.
You might want to make it:
Code: Select all
AnimatorPlay(Talking, PC Portrait Image);
required AnimatorPlay(Idle, PC Portrait Image)@Message(Typed);
The 'required' keyword guarantees that it plays the Idle animation even if the player skips ahead before the typewriter has finished. Technically the typewriter should always send the 'Typed' message even if you skip ahead, but I'd just add it as a safeguard.
BTW, you can also override the Default Sequence & Default Player Sequence for a specific conversation. Inspect the conversation in the Dialogue Editor, click on blank canvas space to inspect the conversation's properties, and tick Override Display Settings.
If you want to modify sequences at runtime, you can add a script with an
OnConversationLine method to the Dialogue Manager. For example:
Code: Select all
void OnConversationLine(Subtitle subtitle)
if (subtitle.speakerInfo.isNPC)
// Always play a Beep sound for NPC lines:
subtitle.sequence = "Audio(Beep); " + subtitle.sequence;