Issue when show quest list with DialogueSystem
Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 4:45 am
Hi, I'm using quest machine with DialogueSystemQuestDialogueUI and get this error below when I select a quest in quest list.
Dialogue System: Lua code 'OnSelectQuestMachineQuest("Job_HarvestFlower")' threw exception 'Tried to invoke a function call on a non-function value. If you're calling a function, is it registered with Lua?'
When I turned off DialogueSystemQuestDialogueUI component, everything works fine. Could you help me to fix this? Thank you.
Dialogue System: Lua code 'OnSelectQuestMachineQuest("Job_HarvestFlower")' threw exception 'Tried to invoke a function call on a non-function value. If you're calling a function, is it registered with Lua?'
When I turned off DialogueSystemQuestDialogueUI component, everything works fine. Could you help me to fix this? Thank you.