This update includes several bug fixes and updates for third party integrations. The welcome window now has a handy set of checkboxes to enable and disable support for features such as Timeline, Cinemachine, Physics2D, and TextMesh Pro, since you can now turn these features on and off in Unity's Package Manager window.
NOTE: The next update will set the minimum Unity version to Unity 2017.4. Version 2.1.9 will be the last version that officially supports Unity 5.3 - 2017.3. Unity is ending support for 2017.3 and older, and they're asking publishers to set 2017.4 as the minimum version for assets.
Release Notes:
- CHANGED: If using Timeline or Cinemachine, add USE_TIMELINE / USE_CINEMACHINE defines (can do through Welcome window).
- Changed: AnimatorPlay[Wait]() sequencer commands now specify fade duration in seconds instead of normalized.
- Changed: On Watches tab, renamed Update to Refresh to clarify its function.
- Added: Welcome window has checkboxes to enable/disable optional support features.
- Added: NavMeshAgent(stop|destination, subject) sequencer command.
- Improved: Custom sequencer commands now support Awake() method, recommend using Awake() instead of Start().
- Improved: Dialogue Actor custom subtitle & menu panels can not instantiate at offsets like custom bark panels.
- Improved: Dialogue Editor node search bar: When cursor is in search bar, Enter key starts search.
- Fixed: Dialogue Editor node search bar: Clicking on some areas of node editor search bar no longer accidentally opens conversation title dropdown.
- Fixed: Dialogue Actor typo that could cause a null reference exception.
- Fixed: If player didn't have Dialogue Actor and NPC had custom response menu, conversations didn't use NPC's response menu.
- Fixed: If continue button assigned but no event configured, StandardUISubtitlePanel now correctly adds OnContinue() only once.
- Fixed: UntilSuperceded now also works on custom subtitle panels not assigned to StandardDialogueUI's Subtitle Panels list.
- Fixed: Menu timeout use current response wasn't working with standard dialogue UI.
- Improved: Disappear Event's onDisappeared event is now public.
- articy:draft: Fixed conversion of custom Lua fields that reference articy variables.
- Behavior Designer: Added Lua functions bdSyncTo/FromLua, Get/Set variable values.
- Invector: Added support for free version of controller.
- PlayMaker: Updated GetPortraitImage for compatibility with version 2.1.8+.
- RT-Voice: RTVoiceActor uses current system language if no language specified for Dialogue System.
- TopDown Engine: Fixed Unity UI input when conversations play without pausing game.