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Localizing in Russian

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:30 am
by bluebuttongames

Is there a guide/tutorial about using the Dialogue System to localize in Russian? Export to CSV has issues as excel doesn't support russian without some messing about, is there a solid way to do this?



Re: Localizing in Russian

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:38 am
by Tony Li

Several developers have localized games in Russian, such as EGProject's Dead Bunker series and Creashock's Shadows Peak.

There were some bumps with along the way, but I believe we have them all ironed out. I'm not aware of any issues with Russian, but I've only tested most recently in LibreOffice (the open source knockoff of Excel) and Google Sheets. You may need to tell Excel to import it as UTF-8 , or try Data > Get External Data > From Text in Excel.

Can you give me any specific examples that don't work? I'll be happy to take a look and update the Dialogue System's import and export if that's what's needed.

If you have the budget, another option is to skip Excel and use Chat Mapper Commercial. To do this:

1. Export your dialogue database as a Chat Mapper XML file.

2. Import it into Chat Mapper and export it as an Excel file.

3. Have your translators update the Excel file.

4. Import the Excel file back into Chat Mapper.

5. Import the Chat Mapper file into the Dialogue System.

Re: Localizing in Russian

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:01 pm
by bluebuttongames
Well the main problem I seem to have, no matter what application or settings I use the exported version won't be converted by the tool.

"Dialogue System: CSV conversion failed: Line not recognized: Database,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"

Can you post a guide to the settings you're using to import/export in LibreOffice as I've tried that too with no luck.


Re: Localizing in Russian

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:00 pm
by Tony Li
Sorry, that was one of the "bumps along the way" that was fixed in version 1.5.3. The Unity Asset Store folks haven't posted 1.5.3 on the store yet, but it's available for download on the Pixel Crushers customer download site. If you don't have access to the site yet, please email your Unity Asset Store invoice number to tony (at) for access.