MoveTo() function acting up

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MoveTo() function acting up

Post by SuperSparkplug »

Hi there,

I'm using the MoveTo sequence function to move objects (In most cases NPCs) to certain places when appropriate in my narrative. For the most part, it works fine. That being said, I've noticed 2 instances lately where it hasn't been working as it should.

1. In one scene where a character is introduced, after the conversation finishes, the character is supposed to move away from the player via the MoveTo() function and go between 3 different invisible cubes I'm using to control his path to get him out of the way.

Code: Select all

SetActive(waypointArrow_Cubicle, true);
This seems like a basic movement command to move him from A to B to C. However, whenever its called, this happens: ... 7.mp4?dl=0

I have no idea why.

2. I have a similar instance where I'm telling another character to exit. However, this time she doesn't move at all. I can't figure out exactly why considering the sequence script seems nothing out of the ordinary...

Code: Select all

MoveTo (ConnieExit1, Connie, 1);
MoveTo (ConnieExit2, Connie,1)@2;
Any idea what may be going on?
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Tony Li
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Re: MoveTo() function acting up

Post by Tony Li »


For the first one (Jeff), two possibilities come to mind:

1. Is JeffEscape2 at the same height as the others? If it's lower, this could explain why it dips.

2. This possibility seems more likely: The MoveTo() command through Dialogue System v1.5.2 uses a Unity movement function called Slerp, which can introduce a more "natural" curve to movement than simply moving in a straight line. However, this has been universally disliked by Dialogue System users, and in v1.5.3 it uses Lerp for straight line movement instead. Version 1.5.3 will be released today on the Pixel Crushers customer download site. If you don't have access, please email me at tony (at)

For the second one (Connie), if the text is exactly as you posted, then remove the space between "MoveTo" and the left-parenthesis. This was an oversight when I defined the syntax of sequencer commands. In v1.5.3, the syntax will allow whitespace between the command and the left-parenthesis.
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Tony Li
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Re: MoveTo() function acting up

Post by Tony Li »

(Just a heads-up that the release of v1.5.3 will be delayed until tomorrow to allow for extra testing of some new features.)
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Re: MoveTo() function acting up

Post by SuperSparkplug »

Can you please send me a package that just updates the MoveTo() function? I know you have released a new version of the Dialogue System, however, when I updated, it actually caused a whole bunch of errors that I didn't know how to fix. Luckily I reverted to a version I backed up just before updating just in case that happened, but updating for my current project seems like it will be a problem.
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Tony Li
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Re: MoveTo() function acting up

Post by Tony Li »

Try importing 1.5.3 again, but before clicking the Import button UNtick the entire Assets/Dialogue System/Prefabs folder.

If that doesn't work, let me know.
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Re: MoveTo() function acting up

Post by SuperSparkplug »

Did that, but it's still giving me errors. The problems lie in the Scripts/Supplimental folder. I have 36 errors, mostly complaining about namespaces.
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Tony Li
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Re: MoveTo() function acting up

Post by Tony Li »

Can you delete the entire Dialogue System folder and import 1.5.3?

Unity 5 made some changes to the way it imports updates. If the update contains files that have been moved to a different folder location, it sometimes has issues with the metadata.

I try my best to avoid disruptive changes like this (such as moving files), and this is only the second such change in 50+ versions over 2.5 years. But it was necessary to provide better built-in support for Unity UI without having to import a special "Unity UI Support" package.
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