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How do you write automated tests for Dialogue System?

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 10:37 pm
by AoF
I'd like to write some automated tests for the Dialogue System and I'm wondering if it's possible. Ideally, I could write a test like this (pseudo code):

Code: Select all

Variable[areCropsReady] = false;
Assert.False(responses.contains("Your crops are ready!"));
Is there a way to write tests like this? Are there any examples?

Re: How do you write automated tests for Dialogue System?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 12:28 am
by Tony Li
I do have an example. I just updated it to make sure it still runs fine in 2.1.7 with the hotfix:


You can of course adjust the approach to suit your needs, but this example came out of a question that another customer had a while ago so it fits what he was looking for.

Re: How do you write automated tests for Dialogue System?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 12:59 am
by AoF
Great, thank you!