Suggestions for the Articy:Draft importer (Scripts conversion, Slots & Strips)

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Suggestions for the Articy:Draft importer (Scripts conversion, Slots & Strips)

Post by _marc »


I'd like to suggest some new features for the Articy data converter, about the template fields:

- Lua conversion (the same you perform for the condition and instructions nodes) for the Condition and Instruction template properties. It could be very useful to "attach" some Lua script to entities, while benefiting from the built-in scripting support in Articy.
- Slot import works well. But when a slot is left blank if Articy, the string value imported is an hexadecimal... Maybe it could be just an empty string?
- Strips could also be very usefull. I can see in the inspector that the the DS imports a table filled with reference IDs (hexadecimal values). But in the database, the field is renamed SUBTABLE__xxx where "xxx" is the strip DisplayName. Maybe it could import a field name that is only the strip DisplayName, with a string table containing the displayNames of all the references it contains.

What do you think about it?
Have a nice day,

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Tony Li
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Re: Suggestions for the Articy:Draft importer (Scripts conversion, Slots & Strips)

Post by Tony Li »

Hi Marc,
_marc wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2019 5:12 am- Lua conversion (the same you perform for the condition and instructions nodes) for the Condition and Instruction template properties. It could be very useful to "attach" some Lua script to entities, while benefiting from the built-in scripting support in Articy.
Good idea. I'll add that in the next update.
_marc wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2019 5:12 am- Slot import works well. But when a slot is left blank if Articy, the string value imported is an hexadecimal... Maybe it could be just an empty string?
I'll look into adding this as an option in the importer window.
_marc wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2019 5:12 am- Strips could also be very usefull. I can see in the inspector that the the DS imports a table filled with reference IDs (hexadecimal values). But in the database, the field is renamed SUBTABLE__xxx where "xxx" is the strip DisplayName. Maybe it could import a field name that is only the strip DisplayName, with a string table containing the displayNames of all the references it contains.
For full compatibility with the dialogue database data format, fields are always basic types (Text, Number, Boolean, etc.). At runtime, run this line of code:

Code: Select all

It will convert all strip SUBTABLE_xxx fields into subtables like you want.
(See Strips Are Lua Subtables)
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Re: Suggestions for the Articy:Draft importer (Scripts conversion, Slots & Strips)

Post by _marc »

Great, thank you!
(See Strips Are Lua Subtables)
Sorry for missing this part, I've read the help section about articy so many times before, I forgot about this part. The answer was just in front of me :?

Thanks for your time.
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Re: Suggestions for the Articy:Draft importer (Scripts conversion, Slots & Strips)

Post by _marc »

Hi Tony,

I've just downloaded the last update, with the articy:draft converter update. I think there is a problem with the conversion of expresso variables: the static list fullVariableNames is not filled yet when you convert the "other script fields". So the converter doesn't convert variables names.
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Tony Li
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Re: Suggestions for the Articy:Draft importer (Scripts conversion, Slots & Strips)

Post by Tony Li »

Thanks for reporting that. I'll try to get a patch out soon.
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Tony Li
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Re: Suggestions for the Articy:Draft importer (Scripts conversion, Slots & Strips)

Post by Tony Li »

A patch is now available on the customer download site. The fix will also be in the next full release on the Asset Store.
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