Hello! I have a first person view game in a visual novel style, and sometimes there will be narration. I want that narration to always be in italics. I was wondering if I should make the Narrator an actor, and if there was a way to always say his text is italic? I found how to change his font color, but not his font style.
I could just remember to put an em tag around all narrator lines spoken, but it would be nice if I could assign his style like I can assign his color, so that I can't accidentally forget.
Have an actor that only speaks in italics
Re: Have an actor that only speaks in italics
You can copy ActorSubtitleColor.cs and wrap the actor's lines in <i>...</i> tags. The code would be a lot simpler than ActorSubtitleColor.cs, which has to do extra work to handle nested <color> tags that your script wouldn't have to do.
Re: Have an actor that only speaks in italics
Nice! OK, thanks.