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Articy - importing entities sharing the same name

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:22 am
by _marc
Hi there,

In Articy I have several entities with the same name (but with different technical names and Ids). When I import the .xml file in Unity with the Dialogue System importer, the 20 entities are correctly imported : I can see it if I explore the database in the inspector. Furthermore, if I add a Debug.Log(database.items.Count) at the end of the ConvertEntities function of the Dialogue System, there are 20 items. Perfect!
The problem is, at runtime, if I look at the items in the master database, there are only 18 items. The 2 missing items are the 2 entities sharing their name with another entity. I've tried to look in the Dialogue System code but didn't find something modifying the database between the import in the editor and the runtime. Is it a bug? The same problem seems to occur with locations sharing the same name.

Re: Articy - importing entities sharing the same name

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:59 am
by Tony Li

Since articy technical names can be very obscure, such as "Ntt_A38DE804", the Dialogue System imports entities and locations using the entity's display name.

I can add an option to the importer to use the technical name and add a "Display Name" field that will hold the display name. Would that resolve your issue?

Re: Articy - importing entities sharing the same name

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 11:25 am
by _marc
That would be perfect! I use Articy entities to create inventory items (and a lot of other stuff), and because in an inventory we can have two "keys" or "swords" with the same name but with different settings, I think that your idea to add this import option is great :-)
Thank you! It's a real pleasure to work with the DS.

Re: Articy - importing entities sharing the same name

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 11:42 am
by Tony Li

I'll have this in the next release, coming out next week.