Spawning USurvival Items
Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:04 pm
Hi Tony,
Hope this isn't too far from Quest Machine support but I was wondering if you had any insight about using Quest Machines Spawner for USurvival items?
I just loaded up the demo scene for Quest Machine's USurvival package and added a QM Spawner that creates Drink objects from the USurvival Prefabs folder.
When I start the scene, the items are placed in the world but are not collectable. I get two error messages:
However, if I click on the "Spawn" button that was added to the Network Identity component
the item becomes intractable.
I know that this is more about USurvival but can you think of anything off your head that would solve this issue?
Thanks again,
Hope this isn't too far from Quest Machine support but I was wondering if you had any insight about using Quest Machines Spawner for USurvival items?
I just loaded up the demo scene for Quest Machine's USurvival package and added a QM Spawner that creates Drink objects from the USurvival Prefabs folder.
When I start the scene, the items are placed in the world but are not collectable. I get two error messages:
Code: Select all
KeyNotFoundException: There is no ScriptableItem with hash=0. Make sure that all ScriptableItems are in the Resources folder so they are loaded properly.
Item.get_data () (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
Item.get_name () (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
ItemDrop.GetInteractionText () (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
UIInteraction.Update () (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
Code: Select all
KeyNotFoundException: There is no ScriptableItem with hash=0. Make sure that all ScriptableItems are in the Resources folder so they are loaded properly.
Item.get_data () (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
Item.get_maxStack () (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
Inventory.CanAdd (Item item, System.Int32 amount) (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
Inventory.Add (Item item, System.Int32 amount) (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
ItemDrop.OnInteractServer (UnityEngine.GameObject player) (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
Interaction.CmdInteract (UnityEngine.Vector3 lookAt) (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
Interaction.CallCmdInteract (UnityEngine.Vector3 lookAt) (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
Interaction.Update () (at <eaac12703186412e8425eee47339ef6f>:0)
the item becomes intractable.
I know that this is more about USurvival but can you think of anything off your head that would solve this issue?
Thanks again,