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Dialogue System for Unity 2.0.5 Released

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 11:23 am
by Tony Li
Version 2.0.5 is now available on the Pixel Crushers customer download site and should be available on the Asset Store in 5-10 business days. (If anyone needs access to the Pixel Crushers customer download site, please PM me your Unity Asset Store invoice number.)

This is a big update. Some of the major highlights are:
  • New localization export/import feature.
  • RandomizeNextEntry() sequencer command and Lua function.
  • Conversation position Lua functions. Jump into sub-dialogues and jump back out.
  • ContinueConversation Timeline track. Control when to move to the next dialogue entry in a Timeline.
  • Opsive Ultimate Character Controller integration. Works with all Opsive character controllers.
  • uSurvival integration.
Note: If you're using Unity 2018+, Unity's Package Manager allows you to disable the Physics2D package. In Unity 2018+, the Dialogue System doesn't assume that you've enabled Physics2D. To tell the Dialogue System that you've enabled Physics2D, select menu item Tools > Common > Misc > Enable Physics2D Support. If you're using Unity 2017 or earlier, you don't need to do this.

Version 2.0.5 Release Notes

  • CHANGED: In Unity 2018+, if you need the Dialogue System to support 2D physics, you must now define the compiler
  • symbol USE_PHYSICS2D.
  • CHANGED: AudioWWW() sequencer command has been deprecated.
  • CHANGED: Group nodes now run their OnExecute events.
  • CHANGED: Renamed Lua "Library" folder to "LuaLibrary" to accommodate version control ignore lists. If updating from a previous version and you want this name change, you will need to manually rename it.
  • Updated for .NET Standard 2.0 compatibility.
  • Fixed .NET4 issue when a class named Assets is defined in the global namespace.
  • Removed copyright symbol from script file header comments. (Bug in Unity 2017-2018 inspector can't handle this symbol.)
  • TimedEvent now has option to count time by # of frames.
  • Tag masks on TriggerEvent and CollisionEvent now support >32 tags.
  • Added new localization export/import feature on Dialogue Editor's Database tab.
  • Watches tab now shows correct quest entries in dropdown menu for selected quest instead of first watched quest.
  • To reduce database size, if a node's Title is set to the default "New Dialogue Entry", it will be cleared as soon as you enter Dialogue Text or Menu Text.
  • Exposed Allow Simultaneous Conversations checkbox.
  • If unticking Dialogue Manager's Don't Destroy On Load, now checks Input Device Manager & Save System for Don't Destroy On Load.
  • Added Control Graphic Raycasters checkbox to InputDeviceManager.
Lua & Sequences:
  • Added RandomizeNextEntry() sequencer command & Lua function.
  • Added conversation position stack Lua functions (save & return to conversation positions).
  • Lua wizard multiple quest entry dropdowns now match their respective quests.
  • LuaInterpreter now implements short circuit evaluation of 'and'/'or'.
  • LuaInterpreter math.random(x) now returns values [1..x] to conform to Lua standard.
  • TextInput() sequencer command now looks for text field UIs in the current dialogue UI first.
  • SequencerShortcuts now maintains a stack. If you remove a shortcut, previous shortcut on stack takes effect again.
  • Added Timeline ContinueConversation track.
  • Added: DialogueLua.GetSimStatus() function.
  • Fixed attributes [VariablePopup], [ActorPopup], and [QuestPopup] which weren't populating dropdown lists in all circumstances.
  • Fixed ConversationView.OnConversationContinueAll(), which when manually called wouldn't notify listeners in certain circumstances.
  • Added DialogueSystemController.initializationComplete event, isInitialized property.
  • DialogueSystemTrigger methods are now virtual.
Save System:
  • Added Assign Unique Keys menu item for Savers.
  • If Active Saver activates inactive target, it now also tells target's other savers to apply data.
  • PersistentDataManager now initializes new quest info and SimStatus when loading games saved with previous versions of database.
  • ConversationStateSaver no longer requires that conversation has conversant assigned.
  • ConversationStateSaver now stops active conversation if saved game had no active conversation.
  • AnimatorSaver now saves parameter values as well as states.
  • Added Sci-fi Standard Dialogue UI.
  • Fixed StandardDialogueUI null reference exception when a custom menu panel didn't have a canvas.
  • If a custom StandardUISubtitlePanel is already closed, it will no longer play the unfocus animation on start of conversation.
  • Fixed NullReferenceException in SelectorUseStandardUIElements after changing scenes.
  • Fixed StandardUIQuestLogWindow Show Details On Select feature.
  • Added "Add EventSystem If Needed" checkboxes to Standard & Unity UI dialogue UIs & quest log windows.
  • StandardUIMenuPanel now prevents second button clicks while menu panel is playing hide animation.
  • TextMesh Pro: TextMeshProTypewriterEffect now properly recognizes alternate audio clips.
  • Fixed QuestStateListener null reference exception when unable to add a QuestStateDispatcher.
Third Party Support:
  • articy:draft: Instructions and Jumps are now converted as blank nodes with None() sequences instead of Group nodes.
  • Corgi Platformer Engine: Improved appearance of dialogue bubble.
  • Invector Controller: Added Lua functions to get/set stats and add items to inventory. Saves items & stats.
  • Inventory Pro: Stats and inventory are now integrated with Save System.
  • Opsive Ultimate Character Controller: Added support.
  • PlayMaker: Added GetCurrentConversationInfo action. Fixed PlayMakerLua unregistering if on multiple Dialogue Managers. Fixed GetLocalizedText. Added GetLocalizedVersion to GetLuaField.
  • Rog Inventory Engine: Updated actor prefab.
  • uMMORPG: Updated for uMMORPG 1.140+.
  • uSurvival: Added support.

Re: Dialogue System for Unity 2.0.5 Released

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:35 pm
by Alatriste
Great update!

Re: Dialogue System for Unity 2.0.5 Released

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:21 pm
by nathanj
Indeed. Thanks for the uSurvival l support! It’s fantastic.

Re: Dialogue System for Unity 2.0.5 Released

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 8:52 am
by Tony Li
Thanks, guys! And thanks for helping test the uSurvival integration, Nathan!

Re: Dialogue System for Unity 2.0.5 Released

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 5:38 am
by Alatriste
Hi Tony,

Could you point me out to where to find information regarding these new features, please? I'd like to know how I can use them:

Conversation position Lua functions. Jump into sub-dialogues and jump back out.
ContinueConversation Timeline track. Control when to move to the next dialogue entry in a Timeline.


Re: Dialogue System for Unity 2.0.5 Released

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 8:41 am
by Tony Li
Alatriste wrote: Fri Oct 26, 2018 5:38 amConversation position Lua functions. Jump into sub-dialogues and jump back out.
Conversation Position Stack Functions. For example, let's say the NPC is a professor giving a lecture on biology. At any point in the conversation, the player can interrupt to ask if mushrooms are plants or animals. This will link to a new conversation about mushrooms. When the conversation is done, the professor should return to her original place in the lecture. To do this:
  • In the nodes of the lecture that jump to the new conversation, call the Lua function PushConversationPosition().
  • At the end of the mushroom conversation, call PopConversationPosition(). This will return the conversation to the node in the lecture.
Alatriste wrote: Fri Oct 26, 2018 5:38 amContinueConversation Timeline track. Control when to move to the next dialogue entry in a Timeline.
See the Continue Conversation section of Timeline & Cinemachine. If you have questions, please let me know.