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Save Conversation status

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 3:37 am
by Alatriste
Hi Tony,

I'm still "fighting" to make the save/load work properly using the VN framework, using "Playmaker" to control the flow of the game and "Easy Save 3" to save. I'm facing several issues, so let's tackle one at a time :)

1) I cannot return to the saved node in a conversation. Sometimes works but most of the times it doesn't. So let's say and in the middle of a conversation and I save and I continue playing. When I load that saved game, the conversation doesn't play, although I can see in the Conversation window, how the node is green where should be, so the node state is saved, but for some reason, the conversation is not initialized.

If I go to see the logic status, everything is normal. It's on the "Run Flow Chapter" state, which is completed. (see screenshot "Save04").

I attached the setup in my Dialogue System manager and how the saving and loading actions are set. I'm probably doing something wrong, but I cannot figure out what.

The screenshots belong to the Start Scene and the Gameplay Scene. ... vRJUa?dl=0

Let me know if you need further info.


Re: Save Conversation status

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 10:52 am
by Tony Li

I sent you a PM.