Library folder can cause issues with git repositories

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Library folder can cause issues with git repositories

Post by alyssastx »


There's a folder in Dialogue System called "Library" under Dialogue System > Scripts > Lua > Lua Interpreter. Because of Unity's project-level "Library" folder, which contains generated files and is recommended not to be pushed to source control, some people might have .gitignore files that exclude "Library" folders and they might see import errors without realizing what has happened.

We resolved it with a change to our .gitignore, which allowed us to push those files, and it isn't a big deal, but I wanted to let you guys know about the potential conflict in case anyone else runs into this.
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Re: Library folder can cause issues with git repositories

Post by Alatriste »

Thanks for the tip! :shock:
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Tony Li
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Re: Library folder can cause issues with git repositories

Post by Tony Li »

Good catch! I'll rename this to LuaLibrary in the next release. However, the GUID will remain the same, so it will only take effect if you delete and reimport the folder. (When importing, Unity keeps original file and folder names for existing GUIDs.)
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