QuestStateDispatcher of Dialogue manager
Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 9:59 am
I'm a quiet newbie for the unity development,
but going very well due to Dialogue system of pixel cruhser. This asset is really brilliant asset that makes me begin unity developing. Thanks for the good asset!
I'm now trying to implement dialogue and quest system, and just began to attach "Quest Indicator" to my NPC.
I followed this process ... TrackerHUD
and it looks work, but the problem is that quest state change does not recognized in real time.
With the Quest Example, I checked that QuestStateDispatcher of Dialogue Manager, calls OnQuestStateChange(questname) function when quest state changed via lua script which is embedded in dialogue. And this function calls the NPC's listener component, so triggers the changes of indicator.
But in my project, this function - OnQuestStateChange(questname) function (in queststatedispatcher) does not is not calling, so quest indicator is not changing.
After I save a game and reload it, the indicator sign changed properly. But in real time the indicator never changes though Quest State Updated.
What can I do?
quest indicator and listener is added properly I think.
I attach my project's screen shot...
Actually I'm using the Menu Framework that pixel crusher offered. It is really great but to using that my Dialogue Manager is added in Login scene and NPC is at GamePlay Scene. Would it be the reason?
I found similar issue's, but maybe problem on QuestStateDispatcher is not belong to here.
If you have some time, I wish you can help me.
I'm a quiet newbie for the unity development,
but going very well due to Dialogue system of pixel cruhser. This asset is really brilliant asset that makes me begin unity developing. Thanks for the good asset!
I'm now trying to implement dialogue and quest system, and just began to attach "Quest Indicator" to my NPC.
I followed this process ... TrackerHUD
and it looks work, but the problem is that quest state change does not recognized in real time.
With the Quest Example, I checked that QuestStateDispatcher of Dialogue Manager, calls OnQuestStateChange(questname) function when quest state changed via lua script which is embedded in dialogue. And this function calls the NPC's listener component, so triggers the changes of indicator.
But in my project, this function - OnQuestStateChange(questname) function (in queststatedispatcher) does not is not calling, so quest indicator is not changing.
After I save a game and reload it, the indicator sign changed properly. But in real time the indicator never changes though Quest State Updated.
What can I do?
quest indicator and listener is added properly I think.
I attach my project's screen shot...
Actually I'm using the Menu Framework that pixel crusher offered. It is really great but to using that my Dialogue Manager is added in Login scene and NPC is at GamePlay Scene. Would it be the reason?
I found similar issue's, but maybe problem on QuestStateDispatcher is not belong to here.
If you have some time, I wish you can help me.