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Bug?: Animation Transitions Animator has not been initialized Error

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 5:10 pm
by Saruto
Been playing around with the animation transitions in the Unity UI Dialogue UI component/script. I made a simple animation that expands and shrinks the windows (ie. changes the scale from 0 to 1 and vice versa).

After messing around, I found that I got an "Animator has not been initialized" warning from the console. When this message popped up, the transition animation would not play and the windows would stay inactive, but the conversation would still go on as if the windows were visible.

After some testing, I found that this happens when you try to send an OnContinue message to the instance of UnityUIDialogueUI while the "Hide" animation is still running.

I'm not exactly sure if this is a bug, or if I incorrectly set up the Show and Hide animations (I'm not too familiar with Unity's animation stuff yet, to be honest). Even if it is a bug, it's kind of an edge case issue and it's not too hard to come up with your own patch-up solution, but I'd figure I'd still report it anyway.

Bug?: Animation Transitions Animator has not been initialized Error

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 3:36 am
by Tony Li
Yup, it's a bug. OnContinue short-circuits everything, and the method that waits for the animation to finish doesn't take this into account. Thanks for reporting it. I'll make sure it's addressed in the next release.

Re: Bug?: Animation Transitions Animator has not been initialized Error

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 11:06 pm
by Saruto
Sorry to revive this thread, but it looked like this was fixed back in 1.5.1, but when I updated to Version it didn't look like the problem was solved. Has something been changed between then and now?

Re: Bug?: Animation Transitions Animator has not been initialized Error

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 11:01 am
by Tony Li
On what platform does the error occur?

The fix was specifically for webplayer.

Re: Bug?: Animation Transitions Animator has not been initialized Error

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 6:02 pm
by Saruto
It happens on the standalone PC/Mac/Linux platform, in both the editor and in a built game.

Re: Bug?: Animation Transitions Animator has not been initialized Error

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 8:22 pm
by Tony Li
I identified the source of this timing issue. I'll post a fix soon.

Re: Bug?: Animation Transitions Animator has not been initialized Error

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 8:51 pm
by Tony Li
Thanks for reporting the bug. It's fixed in this patch:


If you still notice any issues, please let me know. Thanks!

Re: Bug?: Animation Transitions Animator has not been initialized Error

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 10:12 pm
by Saruto
Sweet, it seems to be much better, but there is one issue that I'm still having, but I'm pretty sure it's exclusive to me.
My game uses keyboard controls exclusively. Depending on the context, the Enter key calls both OnContinue (if in a conversation) and OnUse to start a new conversation (if one is not currently happening). The patch fixed the OnContinue issue (thanks a ton by the way!), but now by spamming the "Enter" key on an NPC, a bug arises when you try to start a new conversation before the Hide animation has finished playing. What happens exactly is that the dialogue windows don't properly deactivate and will stay active - but invisible - forever.
It seems pretty easy for me to find a workaround - you could just stop any OnUse calls from happening while the animations are playing - but I'm sure you would like to know about it.
Thanks for all the help so far!

Re: Bug?: Animation Transitions Animator has not been initialized Error

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 10:22 pm
by Tony Li
Thanks for letting me know. I'll look into this tomorrow and try to work up a fix!

Re: Bug?: Animation Transitions Animator has not been initialized Error

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 9:47 pm
by Tony Li
Would it be possible for you to send me an example project that demonstrates the issue? I'm having trouble reproducing the issue. I'll PM you an upload link in case the project is too big to email to tony (at)