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Get a dialogue text
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 6:17 am
by miguelfanclub
Is it possible to get a dialogue text into a string variable? I want to have all the texts inside dialogue manager for easier localization.
Any playmaker action for this?
Re: Get a dialogue text
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 9:01 am
by Tony Li
Hi Miguel,
There are a few ways.
Using the Dialogue Editor window, you can
export your database as CSV format and then open it in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.
Or you can use the
I2 Localization integration. (You must own a license for I2 Localization.) This is an easy way to manage localization, and you can also use Google Translate to get translations to work with until you have the final translations ready.
At runtime, there is no Playmaker action. But you can get a dialogue text in a script if you know the conversation and dialogue entry IDs:
Code: Select all
DialogueEntry entry = DialogueManager.MasterDatabase.GetDialogueEntry(conversationID, entryID);
string dialogueText = entry.DialogueText;
Re: Get a dialogue text
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 7:57 pm
by miguelfanclub
For now, i jusrt want to create Texts in Dialogue S. and then get them to use everywher, from UI to ingame text.
A get text (and convert it to string) is what Im looking for.
Re: Get a dialogue text
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 11:36 pm
by Tony Li
I think you're looking for
localized text tables.
Create a localized text table and add your UI text content. Then assign it your Dialogue Manager.
Localize UI Text components to your UI elements.
Add an Update Localized UI Texts component to your Dialogue Manager.
Re: Get a dialogue text
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 6:23 am
by miguelfanclub
Will try this. Thanks.