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Storyline with quests

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 12:42 pm
by arnesso
Hi guys,

I have maybe too evidance question. I want to create story with different outcomes and I want to link a quest to an other quest. How is it possible ?  ( Quest unlocks next quest, maybe video tutorial)

How do I make a dialogoue option only appear when a certain requirement is met? ( e.g. The outcome of previous conversation mission etc.)

Storyline with quests

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 1:13 pm
by Tony Li

To make a dialogue option only appear when a certain requirement is met, set its Conditions field. You can use the Lua wizard to do this. For example, look at the image below:

This dialogue option will only appear if the quest "Arrest Snake" is active and the variable "Deputized" is true. If the player chooses this dialogue option, the Script field will set the state of the quest "Asset Snake" to success.

For another example, edit the "Private Hart" conversation in the Feature Demo's dialogue database. There are several branches from the START node. Each branch has a condition.

You may find these links helpful:


Dialogue Editor

Lua Wizards

How to Make Things Happen (quest triggers, etc.)

Video tutorials

Dialogue Editor


Chat Mapper tutorials: These are tutorials for Chat Mapper, which is a separate product that is not required to use the Dialogue System. However, the Dialogue System uses the same data format, so you may find these tutorials helpful.

Conditions and Scripts (1/2)

Conditions and Scripts (2/2)