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Continue button stop working

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 5:56 am
by miguelfanclub
HI there!

Using Playmaker:

So i have a variable going from 1 to 0 over time (240 seg)
Im comparing the status of this variable to display player messages:

- At 0.7 : Player say something ("oh i feel bad")
- At 0.5 : ("i feel soo bad")
- 0.3 and 0 same stuff

Works perfect.

Problem comes when I change the speed of the variable at runtime, so it goes down faster. Doing so, continue button stop working and the dialogues just pop up super fast and go again so you cant even read it.
If i change this variable to be faster and then run, all work perfect, so its the fact that im changing this variable at runtime that is making this issue.

Code is working and I have checked the flow million times. Its just that the continue button simply auto activate itself.

Any idea?


Re: Continue button stop working

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 10:20 am
by Tony Li

Are these messages ("oh i feel bad") alerts, barks, or conversations?

How are you changing the speed? Are you changing Time.timeScale?

If you're using alerts, and if you're using Unity UI Dialogue UI, inspect your dialogue UI and tick Quest Alerts and Wait For Hide Animation.

Please feel free to send an example project to tony (at) I'll be happy to take a look.

Re: Continue button stop working

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 7:13 am
by miguelfanclub
Hi Tony,

No, they are normal conversations.
How I change the speed:
- I stop the variable that goes from 1 to 0, also the manager that is checking what conversation to trigger (at 0.7 , at 0.5 etc)
- I simply change the float that is going down in time (the one that goes from 1 to 0) by lets say, dividing it by 2 (so it goes twice the speed down to 0.
- I start both managers again, so the float gets down faster, and the converation one start to compare that float to trigger the correct conversation.

- After doing so (runtime) the manager that triggers the conversations works, so depending whats this float value now it will go and send the correct conversation, just that continue button will just have no effect.

What im doing for conversations is "Start conversation" action and right after that "Is conversation still active" action to trigger next events.

Re: Continue button stop working

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 10:16 am
by Tony Li

Thank you for the details. If you have an example scene that you can send to tony (at), or if you wouldn't mind sending your project, it will speed up the resolution. Or, if you prefer, you can record a video and send me a link. I'll try to reproduce the issue here.

Re: Continue button stop working

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 11:09 am
by miguelfanclub
I will do a video.
Dont mind sending the whole project as well or doing a small scene.


Re: Continue button stop working

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 8:29 am
by Tony Li

I'm just following up on this. Did you have a chance to record a video? If you prefer to send your project, that's fine, too. Please send it to tony (at)

Re: Continue button stop working

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 9:27 am
by miguelfanclub
Will do. Just busy at work.

Re: Continue button stop working

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 10:16 am
by Tony Li
No worries! Please take your time. I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything from you. There's no rush at all.

Re: Continue button stop working

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 5:12 pm
by miguelfanclub
While doing a big post with several videos i have discovered the issue :D

(in the video im not pressing continue)

- The green bar is going always down. At certain values I trigger the dialogues ID I want
- In the YES/NO dialogue, I had there a sequence SetContinueMode(false) so the text asking you to enter was not there after you select YES or NO. I didnt know that was overriding all the next dialogues! I have fixed this now by Continue();
The game mechanic is so that when player enters in the dark, his faith (green bar) goes down much faster so I did a YES/NO question to warn player before entering.

So its correct then to use the Continue(); in a sequence to not to have to click on a continue button after selecting an option in a conversation? (so after a yes or no i dont have have to do click again on the first question)


Re: Continue button stop working

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 7:54 pm
by Tony Li
Yes; that's correct. The Continue() sequencer command simulates clicking the continue button.

Since it's a sequencer command, you can use it like any other sequencer command.

Example - To continue immediately:

Code: Select all

Example - To continue after a duration based on the length of the subtitle text:

Code: Select all

Example - To continue after your C# script calls the method Sequencer.Message("MyMessage"):

Code: Select all

Example - To continue after playing an audio clip:

Code: Select all
