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SimStatus and conversion from Articy

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 8:32 am
by irve

We ran into an issue in which we need our savegames possibly patchable. Meaning:
  • An undiscovered dialogue bug makes into the production or several
  • We fix it in Articy
  • We patch the game
Now savegames all point to the IDs of the first conversion while we have a newer conversion.

We could make a conversion table using the Articy IDs and map an older version of the savegame using a migration chart.
We could make our own analogous simStatus saving/facility which uses the Articy ID.

Are there any alternatives here that we haven't thought about?

Re: SimStatus and conversion from Articy

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:01 pm
by Tony Li

I'm working Dialogue System 1.7.6, which I will release by the end of the week. This version fixes a bug in 1.7.5 identified by another studio using articy:draft. Variables containing periods ( . ) in their names -- such as variables converted from articy -- don't load properly. This is already fixed in a patch that I can send you if you need it sooner. The patch also converts articy faster.

I'll also incorporate an option to record SimStatus by a field that you specify, such as Articy ID, so you can continue to use the same saved games when you patch your game.

Re: SimStatus and conversion from Articy

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 6:54 am
by irve
This would be a big win for us; thank you!

Re: SimStatus and conversion from Articy

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 5:27 am
by liisi.laasik
We updated our dialogue system to 1.7.6, but the option to use Articy ID field to strore sim status is still not having the intended effect. I suspect it has to do with us using NLua.

I looked into the PersistentDataManager source file and noticed that AppendConversationData method has #if USE_NLUA compiler directives. Will the functionality be updated for NLua at some later version?

Re: SimStatus and conversion from Articy

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 8:40 am
by Tony Li
The code is written and tested. I'm waiting to release the patch until after we resolve the other issue you reported with metatables.