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Dialogue System for Unity 1.7.4 Released

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:46 am
by Tony Li
Version 1.7.4 is now available on the Pixel Crushers customer download site (PM me your Unity Asset Store invoice number if you need access) and should be on the Asset Store in 5-10 business days.

This version adds Cinemachine and Timeline Support, a bunch of nice dialogue editor enhancements, and updates to several third party support packages. The Timeline support is pretty cool because you can bind objects at runtime. So you can create, for example, a Dance timeline and assign any two characters to dance at runtime.

Version 1.7.4
  • Added: Cinemachine and Timeline Support (Unity 2017.1+).
  • Dialogue Editor:
    • Added menu item Sort > Reorder IDs.
    • Added menu items Show > Show Participants, Show > Show Full Text On Hover.
    • Added editor setting Show Database Name (available on Database tab).
    • Remembers node editor’s scroll position and zoom level for each conversation.
    • Handles ampersand (&) more gracefully in node editor dropdown menu.
  • Unity UI: Typewriter Effect now handles < size > tags.
  • Improved: Player Setup Wizard now adds Set Component Enabled On Dialogue Event instead of Set Enabled On Dialogue Event.
  • Improved: [LuaScriptWizard] attribute now supports multiline text area.
  • Improved: NavigateOnMouseClick supplemental script ignores clicks on UI.
  • Fixed: Set Enabled On Dialogue Event now handles unassigned entries.
  • Fixed: Localized text table editor Add At Top selection is now persistent; properly opens newly-created fields.
  • Fixed: Default encoding type for runtime importers changed for compatibility with UWP (e.g., Xbox One).
Third Party Support
  • Adventure Creator: Updated for AC 1.58; added Sync Settings section to Adventure Creator Bridge to specify what data to sync between AC and Dialogue System.
  • articy:draft: Now imports variables' Description property; ConversantEntity property now supports DisplayName; now protects against infinite loops in malformed articy data & prevents duplicate outgoing links.
  • NGUI: Bark UI nnow observes Dialogue Manager's bark duration settings when bark UI duration is zero.
  • ORK Framework: Updated for ORK 2.13.0.
  • Rogo LipSync: Updated for Rogo LipSync Pro & Lite 1.4. Added new EyeControl() sequencer command.
  • RT-Voice: Updated for RT-Voice 2.81.
  • S-Inventory: Updated for S-Inventory 1.31; added support for S-Inventory Containers; added Destroy On Consume checkbox to S-Inventory + RFPS ConsumablePickups; SInventoryDialogueActor now respects Save Inventory checkbox.

Re: Dialogue System for Unity 1.7.4 Released

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 7:35 am
by shredingskin
Just amazing, Timeline+Cinemachine is just a great tool, from what I've seen you pretty much assign a virtual camera to the target and add the priority script to use the camera attached to it ?

Too many posibilities here.

Re: Dialogue System for Unity 1.7.4 Released

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 8:37 am
by Tony Li
shredingskin wrote:Just amazing, Timeline+Cinemachine is just a great tool, from what I've seen you pretty much assign a virtual camera to the target and add the priority script to use the camera attached to it ?
Pretty much. That's the easiest way to use Cinemachine. In the example scene, Private Hart and Dead Guard do this. I set up virtual cameras for each that frame the NPC and the player, regardless of where they're positioned. The priority script activates that virtual camera while the conversation is active.

Re: Dialogue System for Unity 1.7.4 Released

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 7:29 am
by chud575
Hi Tony,

this thread is from 8 days ago, but the asset store still has 1.7.3

Any idea what's going on here?

Re: Dialogue System for Unity 1.7.4 Released

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:12 am
by Tony Li
I asked the Asset Store folks same thing yesterday. I hope to hear back from them today. A lot of publishers have been reporting extra long wait times this month. In the meantime, if you'd like to download 1.7.4 and don't have access to the Pixel Crushers customer download site yet, please PM me your Asset Store invoice number.

Re: Dialogue System for Unity 1.7.4 Released

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:17 am
by chud575
Cool man,

I sent you a PM but its stuck in the outbox. is that normal? Shouldn't it be in "Sent Messages"?

Re: Dialogue System for Unity 1.7.4 Released

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:03 am
by Tony Li
phpBB is weird. ;) Outbox means it's been sent but the recipient hasn't read it yet. I read it and sent you your access info.