Hello Tony:
After a period of absence I have returned to integrating ink with my Blender modeling and use of Blender models and characters to Unity. The question below should be easy, but I have gotten quite confused being gone from monitoring this forum during the last year or so.
So, I have installed Dialogue System, Ink Integration, Behavior Design and Ultimate Character Controller on my currently installed Unity 2020.2.3.f1. I did install the most current versions of the above items for my Mac.
In starting with testing INK again, I did use the standard around the world example. I found that inserting sequences in the code worked very very well. For example, I was quite happy with:
EXTERNAL Sequence (x) //Sequence ("sequence string")
VAR wagerAmount = 0
- I looked at Monsieur Fogg # Actor=Player
{ Sequence("Camera (Closeup, remy, 3)")}
* ... and I could contain myself no longer.
'What is the purpose of our journey, Monsieur?' # Actor=Player
'A wager,' he replied.
{ Sequence("Camera (Medium, remy, 1)")}
{ SetQuestState("The Wager", "active") } { ShowAlert("Quest: The Wager") }
* * 'A wager!'[] I returned.
He nodded.
... etc.
Worked perfectly as expected. However, then I add UCC to the player character (remy in this example) and I had the problem that the camera in the first sequence rotated to see the player but immediately returned to the view used for the UCC camera - I don't know how to keep the camera viewing the character until the next sequence is played in INK.
Now, I did read the instructions in
https://www.pixelcrushers.com/dialogue_ ... l/ucc.html
about how to set up dialogue system with UCC. However, after going through all the steps I found that the movement of the camera still rotated toward the character - showed the character for moment and then returned to the UCC camera.
I understand somewhat that I guess I am sharing the UCC camera, but frankly am unsure about the best approach to take now that I couldn't get INK-based dialogue for the sequences to continue to work after I had built my player character in UCC.
If you could give me some pointers I would be most appreciative.