The conversation has 3 characters: Satoru, Village Leader, and Other Villager. Each character has a GameObject with a Dialogue Actor component. The Dialogue Actor components have different subtitle colors set to make it easy to know that the conversation has associated the correct GameObject with each character.
Each subtitle has an Actor (aka Speaker) and a Conversant (aka Listener). When the Village Leader speaks, the sequence's Speaker will be the Village Leader's GameObject. When the Other Villager speaks (who is considered an "extra" character, neither the primary conversation actor nor the primary conversation conversant), the Speaker will be the Other Villager GameObject.
BTW, in C#, you can also check DialogueManager.currentConversationState.subtitle to get info about the current subtitle:
Code: Select all
Debug.Log("Speaker GO is: " + DialogueManager.currentConversationState.subtitle.speakerInfo.transform);
Dialogue System: Village Leader says ' Our petitions finally worked, as I surely knew they would!'
In the line above, "Village Leader" is the name of the actor that the conversation thinks is speaking the line.