Action RPG Starter Kit - DSTeleporter.cs Script

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Tony Li
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Re: Action RPG Starter Kit - DSTeleporter.cs Script

Post by Tony Li »

I'll look into this and try to have a fix ready today.

What platform are you using?
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Re: Action RPG Starter Kit - DSTeleporter.cs Script

Post by bohnstudios »

Thanks Tony! I really appreciate it. My goal platform-wise is to get my finished game green lit on steam for desktop PC and maybe Mac + Linux.
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Tony Li
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Re: Action RPG Starter Kit - DSTeleporter.cs Script

Post by Tony Li »

Okay, I think everything's straightened out in this version. Thanks for your patience! I had copied the ARPG save/load code verbatim to make sure it work exactly like the original except to the Dialogue System's save system instead of a single slot in PlayerPrefs. But I missed the line that handles armor, so it was still trying to load it from PlayerPrefs. The cursor issue was a Unity 4 --> 5 conversion issue. Since ARPG supports Unity 4, I've been developing the integration on Unity 4 to maintain compatibility for them.

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Re: Action RPG Starter Kit - DSTeleporter.cs Script

Post by bohnstudios »

I've been testing thoroughly the past couple days. The armor works now thanks! On a fresh install using Unity 4, I did find that when you use the DSTeleporter Script in the same way you do in "ARPG Multiscene Example 2015-08-22".... It adds experience in your top left bar when you change scenes. The higher level you are the more experience it adds, so if you are level 50, it adds about 4 levels....just in the meter and level number displayed in the top left. It won't do it the first time until the experience meter is about 90% full the first time you also seems to do it early levels when you engage an enemy before a scene change....I also had at least 4 or 4 field goblins in each scene.

Thank you for the fast response. I wanted to do hours of thorough tests before responding. It took so long to check because it's really close to working perfectly.

The ARPGLoadLevel sequencer command seems to keep everything intact perfectly when you change levels, including changing to and from my scenes with separate vehicle controls/cameras. In my "functionality roll call sandbox" project I've been using that for now for all scene changing for the time being. Although, as my game grows, it would be nice to have those basic teleporters like in that example for scene changes that don't have cut-scenes or other need for a conversation & actor in the DD.

I will make sure to only report bugs that I find with Unity 4 regarding this integration. I really really appreciate your close attention to this asset. I'm so close to starting the actual build-out for the demo...I can't wait for you to see what I'm doing.
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Tony Li
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Re: Action RPG Starter Kit - DSTeleporter.cs Script

Post by Tony Li »

I'll look into that experience bug. Please feel free to report Unity 5 bugs, too, if you find any. I'd like to make sure that everything's working solidly in all Unity versions.
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Re: Action RPG Starter Kit - DSTeleporter.cs Script

Post by bohnstudios »

I've just found mouse cursor deprecation warnings on importing ARPG into Unity 5. that mostly don't have impact on the user at run-time. One exception when in-game and you click "quit to title" from the Save/Load menu, the mouse cursor disappears and you just get stuck on the title screen. In my test sandbox project, I've temporarily commented-out the code for that button in the DSSaveLoad.cs script.
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Tony Li
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Re: Action RPG Starter Kit - DSTeleporter.cs Script

Post by Tony Li »


Please import this updated package:


It adds two things:
  • Fixes the experience issue you reported.
  • Adds a component Set Cursor On Start.
When switching to the title scene, there's a bit of a struggle between ARPG and the menu. The safest solution is to add Set Cursor On Start to any GameObject in your title scene. This ensures that the cursor always starts visible in this scene.
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Re: Action RPG Starter Kit - DSTeleporter.cs Script

Post by bohnstudios »

Right on Tony Li! I'll go through and test it all. Totally awesome. Thank you!
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