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Re: Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 8:03 pm
by Tony Li
If you wouldn't mind sending some test Ink files to tony (at), I can make sure that the pickers work the way you want with your exact files.

Re: Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 4:26 am
by nehvaleem
Sure, I've sent you the sample that isn't working as expected with INK_FULLPATHS.

Re: Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 8:20 am
by Tony Li
Thanks! I received it.

Re: Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 8:25 am
by nehvaleem
You know what would be absolutely great? If the levels in the picker were joined if there are no other options in each level. For example in my case Levels/Singleplayer/001 AAA/001 AAA/ could be a single option, without the need of going 4 levels deep in the list.

Re: Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 8:33 am
by Tony Li
Good thought. I'll add that. Would you please list the menu structure that you'd like to see, at least for the first few items/files in your example Ink files? You can use indentation to indicate a submenu.

For example, something like:

(I haven't had a chance to look at your files, so I'm making up knots.)

Code: Select all

Levels/Singleplayer/001 AAA/001 AAA/ (menu option)
Levels/Singleplayer/ (submenu)
    003 YYY/Story/Dialogues/01_village (menu option)
    003 YYY/Story/Dialogues/01_village (submenu)
        village_entrance (menu option)
        village_council (menu option)
    003 YYY/Story/Dialogues/02_crossroads (menu option)
    004 ZZZ/Story/Dialogues/01_battlefield (menu option)

Re: Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 12:13 pm
by nehvaleem
I would imagine something like this:

Code: Select all

Levels/Singleplayer/001 AAA/001 AAA/001 (submenu) // this is the file in this path
	knot AA (menu option)
	knot AB (menu option)
	knot AB (submenu)
		stitch ABA (menu option)
	knot AC (menu option)
Levels/Singleplayer/003 BBB/Story/Dialogues (submenu) 
	01_village (submenu) // this is the file
	        knot 01BA (menu option)
       		knot 01BB (menu option)
       		knot 01BB (submenu)
        		stitch BBA (menu option)
	02_crossroads (submenu) // this is the file
	        knot 02BA (menu option)
       		knot 02BB (menu option)
Levels/Singleplayer/004 CCC/Story/Dialogues/01_XXX (submenu) // this is the file
	knot 04AA
And so on. Does it make any sense? So basically, I would expect the submenus for each ink file that is being included. They should be grouped in the submenu with the common path (as Levels/Singleplayer/003 BBB/Story/Dialogues in my example). The last steps are knots and stitches in that file.

Re: Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 1:06 pm
by Tony Li
Thanks! I'll try to get the submenus to look like that or as close as possible.

Re: Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 8:39 am
by nehvaleem
It's been a while. How it's going?

Re: Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 12:02 pm
by Tony Li
I haven't forgotten you! :-) Just balancing a long task list. I had scheduled the work for today and tomorrow, so I should have something to check by the end of day tomorrow.

Re: Ink EntryPoint picker & includes - bug

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 10:16 am
by Tony Li
Hi - Just checking to make sure you received my email from March 16 that fixes these 2 issues:

1) It doesn't list the stitches for me, only the knots
2) it does not process the paths, leading to the paths like "game/story/../levels/"