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Re: I've updated to Adventure Creator 1.8 and now I got a lot of "missing directive or assembly" errors

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 1:42 pm
by dgames
Ok, this thread may be confusing to tie this up

Regarding the clean project.
  • I've removed USE_ADDRESSABLES from Project Options/Player because the Dialogue menu and window was not available this fixed the resources errors
  • Then I've removed the Love/Hate and QuestMachine because they thrown a lot of errors
Conclusion is that I've managed to make AC and Dialogue System work using the files you have sent me, the Dialogue System AC Demo play correctly and shows the dialogue interface. No errors

I guess adding the other two assets will not work for now


My main project is still broken because I can't fix the errors thrown by the Quest Machine even if I've added the various links in the assembly (see attached images)

Re: I've updated to Adventure Creator 1.8 and now I got a lot of "missing directive or assembly" errors

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 3:06 pm
by Tony Li
Here's the updated integration package for Quest Machine. You'll need to add the QuestMachine and DialogueSystem asmdefs to the AC asmdef.


Re: I've updated to Adventure Creator 1.8 and now I got a lot of "missing directive or assembly" errors

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 3:20 pm
by dgames
doesn't work (I mean it may work stand alone I didn't tried that),but I still get the three errors posted on the previous thread page. I have both Dialogue System and Quest Machine in the project

Re: I've updated to Adventure Creator 1.8 and now I got a lot of "missing directive or assembly" errors

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 3:42 pm
by Tony Li

Fortunately AC doesn't need to be involved in that part. (Although AC's asmdefs are the instigating factor for all this.)

Create an assembly definition file in Assets / Plugins / Pixel Crushers / Quest Machine / Third Party Support / Dialogue System Support / Scripts / Editor. For example, call it QuestMachineDialogueSystemEditor.asmdef.

Add references to PixelCrushers, PixelCrushersEditor, DialogueSystem, DialogueSystemEditor, QuestMachine, and QuestMachineEditor.

Re: I've updated to Adventure Creator 1.8 and now I got a lot of "missing directive or assembly" errors

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 4:01 pm
by dgames

My project is back!!!

BUUT ATTENTION. Once unity stopped showing errors and I've hit play nothing from Adventure Creator worked. After checking the Action List EVERYTHING WAS GONE and defaulted to a single node Engine Wait. All Actions List from the scene empty. The horror. :shock: :shock: :shock: :o :o :o :o :o

I've closed the scene without saving and reopened and all Actions were back as they should had been and now it works. SO DO NOT SAVE THE SCENE. :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:

Thank You for your patience and for your help. Now I can test the Gpt plugin :D

Re: I've updated to Adventure Creator 1.8 and now I got a lot of "missing directive or assembly" errors

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 8:01 pm
by Tony Li
Great job! Have fun with the GPT addon!

Re: I've updated to Adventure Creator 1.8 and now I got a lot of "missing directive or assembly" errors

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:15 am
by Tony Li
Adventure Creator now supports custom folders for integrations' custom actions, so the integration is much simpler again!

You don't need the asmdefs. Instead, just import the integration (latest one of the Extras page unless you're using DS version and, in the AC Game Editor > Actions section, add Pixel Crushers / Dialogue System / Third Party Support / Adventure Creator Support / Scripts / AdventureCreatorActions as a custom folder.

If you're upgrading the integration, you'll need to delete these files before importing the updated integration: Assets / AdventureCreator / Scripts / Actions / ActionDialogueSystem*.cs.

Re: I've updated to Adventure Creator 1.8 and now I got a lot of "missing directive or assembly" errors

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 10:30 am
by dgames
I've successfully managed to update both Dialogue System and Quest Machine to the latest update.
  • first I've created a backup :lol: lol
  • then I've removed all PixelCrusher files, both from the plugins and from the Adventure Creator folder, I've removed the reference to Pixel Crusher from AC asdemf file
  • I've installed Dialogue System + AC integration
  • I've installed Quest Machine + AC integration + Dialogue System Integration
  • I've added the Custom folder path in AC interface for both
Everything worked well except two AC action listed that were set to open/close the Quest Machine Journal when pressing a key. The Actions Lists were empty with nothing inside.

Those were plugged inside the AC Menu interface maybe it had something to do with the issue.

I've deleted both of them + the unity companion files from the Explorer. Then I've added them back from the backup archive. That fixed the issue and they worked again.

Re: I've updated to Adventure Creator 1.8 and now I got a lot of "missing directive or assembly" errors

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 11:09 am
by Tony Li
Great! Sorry about that wackiness earlier with asmdefs. The setup is much nicer now that you can specify custom actions folders in AC.