Restart Game (With Adventure Creator) remembers past choices

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Re: Restart Game (With Adventure Creator) remembers past choices

Post by perezbalen »

This doesn't happen if I restart. If I restart, all color gets reset to white.
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Tony Li
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Re: Restart Game (With Adventure Creator) remembers past choices

Post by Tony Li »


Is your load working? Is there a reason (something in your configuration) that makes it so that the loading process doesn't reload the scene? Normally it would reload the scene.
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Re: Restart Game (With Adventure Creator) remembers past choices

Post by perezbalen »

The loading and saving seem to be working fine. As far as I can tell, it's only the thing that remembers whether a line of dialogue was said previously or not, that is not saving.

If I quit and start again (or restart), and load a game, all dialogue options are white. Even the ones that should be a different color, are white. The save/load is not storing the information of what lines had been said.
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Tony Li
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Re: Restart Game (With Adventure Creator) remembers past choices

Post by Tony Li »

I'll check if this is a bug in resetting SimStatus. I'll get back to you on it before the end of the day.
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Tony Li
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Re: Restart Game (With Adventure Creator) remembers past choices

Post by Tony Li »


I confirmed that loading a saved game in AC does correctly reset SimStatus to the state when it was saved.

Can you send a reproduction project to tony (at)
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Re: Restart Game (With Adventure Creator) remembers past choices

Post by perezbalen »

Sure. Just sent you a weTransfet link. Please let me know if I did it ok.
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Tony Li
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Re: Restart Game (With Adventure Creator) remembers past choices

Post by Tony Li »


Thanks for sending the repro project.

I set the Dialogue Manager's "Remember Dialogue System" component's values to:
  • Set: Manual
  • Retain in prefab? ticked
    ID: 1138
Then I applied this to the prefab. (I recommend saving your customized prefab as a prefab variant and applying it there.) This seemed to fix the issue. Please let me know if it fixes the issue in your project, too.
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Re: Restart Game (With Adventure Creator) remembers past choices

Post by perezbalen »

Thanks. I did what you said,
Manual, ticked, 1138
But now I get the opposite effect. Every time I load, options are white. Like before when I restarted. Even the ones that should be a different color, are white.
I play. I talk and I chose one line. It turns bule.
I talk again, the line that should be blue is still bule. All seems ok.
I save. Then I immediately load that save file. Now all dialogue is white. As if loading resetead the dialogue memory thing.

I'm using unity 2022.3.1.f1
AC 1.77.4
Dialogue System
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Tony Li
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Re: Restart Game (With Adventure Creator) remembers past choices

Post by Tony Li »

Hmm, I'll investigate and get back to you.

Are you using the latest AC integration? (It's in DS version 2.2.39, released August 2.)
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Re: Restart Game (With Adventure Creator) remembers past choices

Post by perezbalen »

I wasn't but now I am. But there is no change in the behavour.
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