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Re: Reusing conversations

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 9:34 pm
by lemonjolly_anna
Ok sweet!

The WaitForMessage part of the problemo seems to still be present.
Where a = instantiate a button,
and b = player presses button, which sends message "continueConversation".
wait.jpg (73.79 KiB) Viewed 146 times

The dialogue doesn't seem to WaitForMessage regardless of above (dialogue window persists and dialogue can be clicked to continue as usual).

Is there an extra step to this like closing the dialogue window or something?

Re: Reusing conversations

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 9:58 pm
by Tony Li
A few notes:

1. It looks like your Dialogue System installation may be broken. Icons on your dialogue entry nodes are missing. Is your Assets/Editor Default Resources folder missing? This is a Unity special folder; Unity requires an exact location for it. Can you back up your project and then reimport the Dialogue System?
editorDefaultResources.png (4.52 KiB) Viewed 145 times

2. As per the info box in the <START> node, leave the <START> node unchanged. Link from <START> to your first "real" node:
waitForMessage.png (19.74 KiB) Viewed 145 times

Re: Reusing conversations

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 6:14 am
by lemonjolly_anna
I re-imported and moved the "editor default resources" folder, so the icons exist, but still same problemo with the WaitForMessage not waiting for message :(
wait_again.jpg (37.38 KiB) Viewed 137 times

Re: Reusing conversations

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 8:01 am
by Tony Li

Is WaitForMessage(continueConversation) on the "Prepare yourself" or "You survived the combat" node? I assume "You survived the combat" node since it has the blue icon indicating a sequence.

What sends the "continueConversation" method? Do you have a script that runs the line of code below?

Code: Select all

If so, are the spelling and capitalization of the message correct? Are you sure the code is being run? You could try adding a Debug.Log() line before or after that line of code to confirm that it's running.