Hello Tony
After restart game, meaning my try again button, then again it skips the initial intro talk, then I go over to the wizzard.
For a brief moment it turns green (last check) then it goes to red false.
And yes Player tag is still there and the player has same tag as before "Player"
No i have not set anything LUA up..
I get the below error message when I start game. It don't stop the game, but does it have anything to do with this issue?
After restart when I appoch the wizzard i can see in my console that dialogue was trying to take place and also the wizzard plays the animation, but there is no dialogue UI and player can freely move?
reset Dialogue Gamemanager when game restarts
Re: reset Dialogue Gamemanager when game restarts
I only see "Block On False Link", not "Add Link". This means none of the node's Conditions were true, so the conversation had nothing to show.