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Re: assign different text panel to actors

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 5:18 pm
by gblekkenhorst
Assigning the continue button worked!

I must have changed an option somewhere, I broke something. Previously when I hit enter, it would complete the typewriter effect, then when I hit enter again it would skip to the next panel. Now it's skipping to the next panel on the first time i hit enter. I could have sworn I saw that option somewhere but I cannot find it (and I don't thing i changed it on purpose?)

Re: assign different text panel to actors

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 5:43 pm
by Tony Li
I'm glad that worked. :-)

Re: assign different text panel to actors

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 4:50 pm
by gblekkenhorst
Thanks for your help so far! But I have run into another issue - the NPC dialogue does not disappear when the player has response choices. How do I implement this? I already have Show NPC Subtitles With Responses unchecked.

Re: assign different text panel to actors

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 5:15 pm
by Tony Li

Set the subtitle panel's Visibility to Only During Content -- or, if you don't want to do that, configure the response menu panel's OnOpen() UnityEvent to call the subtitle panel's Close() method. (A lot of devs configure OnOpen() to call the subtitle panel's Close() method since this allows the panel to stay consistently open except when showing response menus.)

Re: assign different text panel to actors

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 3:19 pm
by gblekkenhorst
Only during content worked, but now it's really obvious how long the fade between dialogue panels are. I found some older mention on the forums about editing the canvas group animation controller, but the references show a different layout and I think perhaps something weird is going on with my particular animator, either because I broke it or because we're using Collaborate - the controller isn't showing up in my change list so I can't revert it.

The links between Any State and Show and Hide were not showing inspector information, so I could not change exit time. I tried deleting a link and recreating it and now it shows the inspector, but if I uncheck 'has exit time' the animation get's stuck on start and the dialogue doesn't continue. When it fades out the continue button (each panel has it's own continue button as a child) takes longer to fade out then the rest.

Perhaps you could send me a unitypackage of the original canvas animator so I could undo whatever changes I've made to it and try to solve this issue from scratch?

Thanks, sorry to be so needy. :/


Re: assign different text panel to actors

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 3:36 pm
by Tony Li

Here's the original:


You could also import it (or any other original files you need) from the Asset Store through the Package Manager window.

Before importing this file, back up your customized version in case you need to refer to it.

A quick way to speed up animations is to inspect the Animator Controller asset and set the states' Speed values. For example, to make the fades go twice as fast, set Speed to 2.