That means the Quest Giver's Quests list doesn't have any quests that match active quests in the player's journal, nor does it have any new quests that it can offer the player.
When the Dialogue System generates a "list of quests" conversation for a Quest Giver, it adds response buttons for each of the player's active quests that the Quest Giver can talk about. Then it adds response buttons for every quest that it can currently offer to the player. Finally, it adds a last response button using the Cancel Quest List Text.
At any point, does the conversation with "Thanks G-G-mama!" play? If so, remove that Quest.Initialize SceneEvent. Instead, set the node's Script field to something like:
Code: Select all
GiveQuest("GreatGrandmama", "GreatGrandmamasQuest")
where "GreatGrandmama" is the Quest Giver's ID, and "GreatGrandmamasQuest" is the quest ID.