Using QuestEntry LUA in DS with QM

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Re: Using QuestEntry LUA in DS with QM

Post by Ollymuk »

None. The only errors i get are about Quests that are in DS and not QM, or perhaps the other way around.
errors.png (135.56 KiB) Viewed 1038 times
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Tony Li
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Re: Using QuestEntry LUA in DS with QM

Post by Tony Li »


That error usually means that you've assigned a quest to a Quest Giver or Quest Journal but you haven't assigned it to the Quest Manager's Quest Database yet.

Are you using the evaluation versions of QM and DS? If so, I just noticed that it's using the version of CustomLuaFunctionInfo that isn't compatible with the evaluation version. I updated it to be compatible with the evaluation version:

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Re: Using QuestEntry LUA in DS with QM

Post by Ollymuk »

AHH great. Will give it a go.

I was going to ask whether the full version is going to be different to the trial. I'm due to purchase next month after pay day.

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Tony Li
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Re: Using QuestEntry LUA in DS with QM

Post by Tony Li »

Anything you create in the evaluation version is fully compatible with the paid version. There are a few things you can do in the paid version that you can't do in the evaluation version -- the integration's Custom Lua Function Info being one of them until I updated it today. The other thing is enabling TextMesh Pro (TMP) integration. You can only do that in the paid version. This is because it has to recompile the scripts for TMP integration, but the evaluation version comes with a precompiled DLL instead of scripts.
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Re: Using QuestEntry LUA in DS with QM

Post by Ollymuk »

Hi Tony

That package imports, but I get flavours of this error:

Assets\Plugins\Pixel Crushers\Dialogue System\Scripts\Editor\Utility\CustomLuaFunctionInfo.cs(9,16): warning CS0436: The type 'CustomLuaFunctionInfoRecord' in 'C:\Users\olive\Documents\Unity Projects\TinyRPG\Assets\Plugins\Pixel Crushers\Dialogue System\Scripts\Editor\Utility\CustomLuaFunctionInfo.cs' conflicts with the imported type 'CustomLuaFunctionInfoRecord' in 'DialogueSystemEditor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Using the type defined in 'C:\Users\olive\Documents\Unity Projects\TinyRPG\Assets\Plugins\Pixel Crushers\Dialogue System\Scripts\Editor\Utility\CustomLuaFunctionInfo.cs'.

There are other scripts mentioned too:
2020-10-26 08_41_30-Window.png
2020-10-26 08_41_30-Window.png (41.32 KiB) Viewed 1034 times
I'm tempted to purchase the DS or QM module to see if that helps. Ultimately, is this caused by QM or DS? The errors refer to DS but as I understand the LUA scripts are part of the QM to DS integration, so perhaps I should buy QM now?

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Tony Li
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Re: Using QuestEntry LUA in DS with QM

Post by Tony Li »

Sorry, I forgot to mention -- delete this file:

Assets\Plugins\Pixel Crushers\Dialogue System\Scripts\Editor\Utility\CustomLuaFunctionInfo.cs

but leave the others in place. That file is only for the paid version. Its functionality is already included in the evaluation version.
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