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Re: cancel button doesn't cancel conversation

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 10:59 am
by Tony Li
Unity is dropping webplayer plugin support very soon, and WebGL isn't quite there for complex games. I think it'll be much less stressful to forgo a web player version. If Arcanoria Chronicles really takes off, you can always make a "lite" game for the web, like how Dragon Age has a different and much simpler spinoff for mobiles.

S-Inventory works well with the Dialogue System, and Inventory Pro support is coming very soon. Joris is putting the finishing touches on Inventory Pro support right now, and he always does great work, so it should be a nice integration.

Re: web player vs. pc download

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 9:41 pm
by Arcanor
My big concern is that I'll lose most of my potential players if they can't use a browser. PC downloads are so risky, and I'd be asking potential players to download something from me, i.e. someone they don't know, someone WITHOUT a big business to lose and worldwide reputation, and run executable code that I wrote, which could really do anything at all to their systems. I'd be asking them to do something that I'm not willing to do myself. I just wish I could think of a good way around this dilemma.

The browser "security sandbox" may be a pain to deal with as a developer, but at least the user is protected, and has less reason to mistrust. Native downloads are just the Wild West. There's no real way to protect against a malicious code fragment in a downloaded game or app.

Sure, *I* know I'm trustworthy, but nobody else knows that.

Re: cancel button doesn't cancel conversation

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 10:27 pm
by Tony Li
If you can get on Steam or Humble Bundle, there's at least a sense of some vetting that gives players a bit of confidence.

Otherwise, the Dialogue System part at least runs fine in WebGL.

Re: cancel button doesn't cancel conversation

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:39 am
by Arcanor
That's good news at least. :)

Re: cancel button doesn't cancel conversation

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 6:54 am
by Arcanor
Anyone using my code please note that I modified it (in the original message where I posted the code) on 10/23/2015 due to a code bug.