It requires the updated 2020-05-07 Ink integration available on the Extras page (direct download). Note that a new checkbox 'Actor Names Precede Lines' is ticked on the Dialogue System Ink Integration component. with this checkbox, you no longer need to use "# Actor=" tags. You can specify the actors just like you did in your example Ink story:
One more thing. Can you confirm, that currently it isn't possible to start a ink based conversation from a timeline? The StartConversationClip doesn't have all the ink related settings. Or am I missing something?
Yes, that's correct. I'll add that ability in a future update. Technically you can still specify a story name, and it will start at the beginning, but you can't specify a knot or other entrypoint in the story.
Is it possible to get conversation starting point? I would like to be able to check which conversation just ended? Since we can specify starting point via
Yeah, I know about lastConversationId, but I need that last starting entry also I've managed to workaround this on my side, but it would be awesome if you could add this to the package.
Also, is it possible that you expose ink entrypicker the same way as you did with the [ConversationPopup] ? It is pretty awesome and I am making use of it in my project. One note tho: I've noticed that [ConversationPopup] sometimes has values from ink (the ink files attached to integration) and sometimes it doesn't. I don't know what causes this.