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Re: Quest Progress

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:49 pm
by Ramsdal
wioluskaelk wrote: This is variable
Well the code in show alert is not visible to me of course, but I notice that you do not have a Alert variable. If it matters I do not know, but I just mention it because it seems to happen when displaying a alert and according to the doc ( ... ation.html) it says:
The Dialogue System will create the following user variables if they don't exist: Alert: (Text)... and so on

However I tried renaming the alert variable in my own database without encountering any erros.

Re: Quest Progress

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:56 pm
by Tony Li
Did that fix the issue? Or only get rid of the alert?

BTW, if you want to see the source code for DialogueManager.ShowAlert, import the package "Scripts/Source Code.unitypackage". It's best to import it into a temporary project; otherwise it will conflict with the precompiled DLLs that provide the same classes.

Re: Quest Progress

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 2:12 pm
by Ramsdal
Tony Li wrote:Did that fix the issue? Or only get rid of the alert?

BTW, if you want to see the source code for DialogueManager.ShowAlert, import the package "Scripts/Source Code.unitypackage". It's best to import it into a temporary project; otherwise it will conflict with the precompiled DLLs that provide the same classes.
Was just a suggestion for "wioluskaelk" to what he could try :)

But as for the source code, nice! ;)

Re: Quest Progress

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:14 pm
by Tony Li
Thanks for the suggestion, @Ramsdal!

@wioluskaelk - Did the state machine work?

Zerano's website is down right now, so I couldn't update RPG Kit or log in properly to my testbed to create a video, but I made the state machine below. Actually it's a copy of the basic Skeleton state machine in RPG Kit. I added extra actions to the "Apply Exp" state.

1. The first section updates the Dialogue System variable "SkeletonsKilled". In the state machine, I added a float parameter named ICodeSkeletonsKilled. I forgot that ICode math has to be floats, so disregard my previous suggestion to use Int. Use a Float instead.

2. The second section updates the quest tracker by broadcasting "UpdateTracker" to the Dialogue Manager. In the state machine, I added a GameObject parameter named DialogueManager.

3. The third section uses RPG Kit to show the alert message. I added a string parameter named Message.


Re: Quest Progress

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 12:37 am
by wioluskaelk
Hmmm weird.. State machine is working (and after killing Skeleton I have 1/1) but now i have not 6 but 8 errors PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.IncrementOnDestroy.OnDestroy () (at Assets/Dialogue System/Scripts/Supplemental/Utility/IncrementOnDestroy.cs:67)hehehe.
I always have a weird errors :D . So, thanks for help and your time, if I will find out something more I will contact. And sorry for the problem.


@Ramsdal I`m woman so not "he", but "she" :P

Re: Quest Progress

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 6:01 am
by Ramsdal
wioluskaelk wrote:@Ramsdal I`m woman so not "he", but "she"
Hehe sorry, I apparently assume that everyone working with game dev is guys ;)

Could you try to post a picture of your Dialogue System Controller Inspector settings?

Edit: not that I am Tony, but guess I am a little curious now as well! :)

Re: Quest Progress

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 8:26 am
by wioluskaelk

And like you see, trucker is working. I did it in another quest also, and it`s working.

The errors are after "exit games".

Right now I must work on saving because when I took a quest and teleport to another map, tracker is changing kills from 0/1 to 2/1 ^^

Re: Quest Progress

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:07 am
by Ramsdal
Hi again

Could you try to post a screenshot of your dialogue system settings ( like that :)

Re: Quest Progress

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:33 am
by Tony Li
wioluskaelk wrote:The errors are after "exit games".

Right now I must work on saving because when I took a quest and teleport to another map, tracker is changing kills from 0/1 to 2/1 ^^
If you've added the actions to your state machine (like in my screenshot above), then remove the Increment On Destroy component. Putting it in the state machine is better for RPG Kit projects. Please let me know if that resolves the problem.

Also, you'll want to add one more action to the state machine. Use Math.Max to make sure that ICodeSkeletonsKilled never goes above 1 (or whatever the maximum value is) before the DialogueSystem.SetFloatVariable action. This will prevent "2 / 1 Skeletons Killed".

Re: Quest Progress

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 10:17 am
by wioluskaelk
@Tony Li
After delete Increment On destroy I have this kind of red message:
Some objects were not cleaned up when closing the scene. (Did you spawn new GameObjects from OnDestroy?)

And I haven't Math.Max, Meybe when zerano website will be avaible, I will find something in RPG KIT documentation.
