Cameras are handled a bit differently from other elements. Instead of using the SetActive() sequencer command, can you assign the simple cam to the Dialogue Manager's Camera Settings > Sequencer Camera property? The simple cam can be a prefab or an object in the scene, and it can be active or inactive. Make sure to tag is as a MainCamera.
When the conversation starts, the Dialogue Manager will deactivate the game cam and activate the Sequencer Camera (i.e., your simple cam), temporarily instantiating it if it's a prefab. When the conversation ends, it will undo this. Using this method, you can get rid of the SetActive() sequencer commands and the blank dialogue box at the end.
Set Active on Dialogue Event
Re: Set Active on Dialogue Event
Thank you so much, I was trying to disable a Canvas with some text elements when the Conversation started, and adding a action that disabled the canvas inside the Dialogue System Trigger BAM it worked. Thank you so much !
Re: Set Active on Dialogue Event
Glad to help!