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Re: Link to Another Conversation

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 1:28 pm
by Tony Li
In the example scene, the line "This is conversation 1" remains after you click "Go to conversation 2." If you don't want this, you can import this updated StandardUISubtitlePanel:


It has a new method "ClearText".

This updated example scene uses ClearText:


The "Go to conversation 2" line uses this Sequence:

Code: Select all

SendMessage(ClearText,, Subtitle Panel 0);
SendMessage(ClearText,, Subtitle Panel 1);
SendMessage(ClearText,, Subtitle Panel 2);
Fade(stay, 2);

Re: Link to Another Conversation

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:06 am
by Alatriste
Great! The "ClearText" works with the new StandardUISubtitlePanel!
I have to use it in a combination of the "Close" because I also need to disable the portrait which may be visible otherwise.

Thanks for your support, Tony!

Re: Link to Another Conversation

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 6:56 am
by Tony Li
Sorry it took me a while to understand what you wanted to do. I'm glad it's working now!