Raelyr wrote:Sorry! Busy couple of days where I didn't really work on it. But no, closing and reopening the scene didn't work, and neither did closing and reopening Unity. I'm using the latest version, though the personal one.
Thanks. I'll look into this. You're using Unity 2017.2? Maybe the editor is caching something strangely.
Raelyr wrote:Also I have a small suggestion - unless there's a way to do this already and I just missed it, haha. But a way to 'disable' conversation nodes would be really neat and helpful. For example, I don't want to go through the whole first scene when I'm testing changes to my second scene, but the dialogue manager and player object are in the first scene and dontdestroyonload, so I have to start playmode from the first scene. So I added an option in the first set of responses to 'skip' to the last node in the conversation. I'd like to be able to disable that node when I go to build the game, and just enable it again afterward. Right now, I have to destroy and recreate it each time.
Good suggestion. I'll look into adding that.
However, you may prefer this solution: Add a Dialogue Manager to your second scene. If you've saved the Dialogue Manager in the first scene as a prefab, just add an instance to your second scene, too. This will let you start playmode directly in the second scene. When you come in from the first scene, the first scene's Dialogue Manager will automatically destroy the second scene's Dialogue Manager.
In your dialogue database, define a Boolean variable named something like "Debug". Then add a "skip" response to your conversation whose Conditions require that Debug is true:
On the second scene's Dialogue Manager, add a Lua Trigger set to OnStart. Set the Lua Code field (e.g., using the "..." wizard) to:
When you playtest directly in the second scene, Debug will be true, so the "skip" response will be available.