Sequencer Command in code

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Sequencer Command in code

Post by nathanj »

Hi Tony,

I've been looking around on the site but I can't find an answer to this.

I'm trying to have the player LookAt() the NPC when a conversation is started. I could run the command from the sequencer in the dialogue node but since this is a generic camera controller script I would like to have it assigned automatically so I don't need to add it in at every conversation.
I'm trying:

public void OnConversationStart (Transform actor)

but I get a message saying: "taget is null". Could you tell me how I could feel the transform position of the NPC into that command? Also, this script is on a game object that is a child of the NPC I am trying to get.

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Tony Li
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Re: Sequencer Command in code

Post by Tony Li »

Hi Nathan,

The Dialogue System calls OnConversationStart on both primary participants (actor and conversant), passing it the transform of the other participant. You could bypass the sequencer command and do this:

Code: Select all

void OnConversationStart(Transform other)
Or you could use the sequencer command like this:

Code: Select all

void OnConversationStart(Transform other)
    DialogueManager.PlaySequence("LookAt(listener)", this.transform, other);
The second parameter (this.transform) is the "speaker", and the third parameter (other) is the "listener".
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Re: Sequencer Command in code

Post by nathanj »

The second worked for me!

Thanks again for the speedy response
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