It requires a small change to a uMMORPG script, so it won't be in the Dialogue System addon, but the steps are pretty easy:
1. Add a bark UI to your character prefabs. In my test, I added the Bubble Template Standard Bark UI to the Warrior prefab. I increased the Main Panel's Pos Y to 512 to move it above the character's name tag, and removed the Bubble Panel's Animator because uMMORPG didn't like having it in the character's hierarchy.
2. Edit Chat.cs. Add this method:
Code: Select all
void Bark(string sender, string message)
var barker = GameObject.Find(sender);
if (barker != null) PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.DialogueManager.BarkString(message, barker.transform);
Code: Select all
Bark(name, message);
Code: Select all
Bark(sender, message);