To solve this I use inControl as a control plugIn. This works fine but not yet for the Dialogue System.
I tried to rework the UIButtonKeyTrigger component and add
Code: Select all
heroCharacter.Input.GetActionButtonState(4) == ButtonState.DOWN /*|| UnityEngine.Input.GetKeyDown(key) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(buttonName) && DialogueManager.GetInputButtonDown(buttonName))*/
I assume that the start of the dialogue is not triggered by this component and therefore is still working. And the changes my changes are simply not working.
Ah, I added the namespace that is needed for the GetActionButtonState and assigned the heroCharacter via the inspector.
So, where do these conversations get initiated? There is a usable and a conversation Trigger with on use on my conversant.
Do you have any idea why my own inputs do now work in the UIButtonKeyTrigger?
Thank you!