Playmaker Action: Get Localized Text Table Object variable

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Playmaker Action: Get Localized Text Table Object variable

Post by Alatriste »

Hi Tony,

I noticed that the "Get Localized Text" action for Playmaker doesn't support to enter the Localized Text Table as an object variable. I think it's interesting to support variables as much as possible as this file might change for whatever reason and you would lose the reference. I think is better to have it as a global variable. Maybe am I wrong?

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Tony Li
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Re: Playmaker Action: Get Localized Text Table Object variable

Post by Tony Li »


I don't want to break existing projects by changing it. In version 2.0, when the type changes to TextTable instead of LocalizedTextTable, I'll change it to allow an object variable.

You only need to assign this field if you want to override the LocalizedTextTable that's assigned to the Dialogue Manager. If all your localized text is in the LocalizedTextTable assigned to the Dialogue Manager, you can leave this field unassigned.
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Re: Playmaker Action: Get Localized Text Table Object variable

Post by Alatriste »

You only need to assign this field if you want to override the LocalizedTextTable that's assigned to the Dialogue Manager. If all your localized text is in the LocalizedTextTable assigned to the Dialogue Manager, you can leave this field unassigned.
I didn't know. That sounds good but I'll be interested in the 2.0 integration (just in case) :)

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Re: Playmaker Action: Get Localized Text Table Object variable

Post by Alatriste »

Just a heads up about this, as I was stuck for a while with a problem not being able to display alerts using the Get Localized Text action. It's very important to set up the right parameters in the Dialogue Manager -> Localization Settings. Language must be using the exact same capitalization of the Localized Text file, and the Localized Text must be assigned. (Not sure if this is a must or just optional) Otherwise, it won't work.

It sounds pretty obvious but I was so focused on the playmaker action that I totally forgot about this other setup. :oops:
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Tony Li
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Re: Playmaker Action: Get Localized Text Table Object variable

Post by Tony Li »

Thanks for sharing that heads up. You're right; it does an exact string match when looking up localizations.

And I was incorrect in my previous statement. In the current release of the PlayMaker Support package, it does not fall back to using the Dialogue Manager's text table. I was looking at the 1.8.2 and 2.0 versions.
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