Trouble Importing

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Trouble Importing

Post by wattoo »

Hi Guys,

We've just bought Dialogue System and I was working my way through the tutorial, but when it finally came time to press 'play', I couldn't make head nor tail of what was going on. After much messing about I found the example models didn't look right and were heavily corrupted and so I couldn't move them to check the dialogue system itself.

My colleague briefly got the import working correctly after a bit of messing about on a clean project, but that doesn't work for me and I need DS in my current project anyway.

In addition, importing Dialogue System to my Unity has stopped all the scripts on my project from compiling at all and only a complete reinstall allows me to use my scripts again. As soon as I added DS again, I got the same problem again, so I can't use DS at all and I can't progress with my project with DS in it. I've wasted a lot of man hours trying to figure this out to no avail so would appreciate a bit of help trying to sort it as I need to crack on.

Thanks very much.
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Tony Li
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Trouble Importing

Post by Tony Li »

Hi wattoo, I'm sorry the Dialogue System has been giving you trouble. Could you please send me some screenshots of the issue, or even a pared-down project that demonstrates the issue? The editor log would also be great if the console contains any red error messages. You can email this to tony (at) If the files are too big for email, please let me know and I'll set you up with FTP access.
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Trouble Importing

Post by wattoo »

Hi Tony,

Thanks for the reply. I don't think the editor log would be much use to be honest as I don't get far enough to test the dialogue system itself. That might all work fine, but I can't check because none of the models work for me (so I can't play the 'game', move around, etc).

Having figured out something was wrong, I eventually found a simple way of checking. If I just look at the model of the sergeant, I can see if it's still borked or not. So I don't even get as far as the database stuff now (apart from the first time). Two of us haved messed about with new projects, existing projects, fresh unity installs, etc and we've seen the sergeant model properly once.
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Tony Li
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Trouble Importing

Post by Tony Li »

To make sure I'm on the same page with you: Does the Dialogue System import cleanly and work fine in a new, empty project? If so, do the example scenes work in it?

If the Dialogue System works in a new project, then something in your existing project must be causing an issue with importing the Recon Troop FBX -- perhaps a custom asset postprocessor? It's just a standard FBX model, one of many made by Arteria 3D that you can buy separately on the Asset Store. (We have a special arrangement with Arteria 3D to provide Recon Troop to Dialogue System customers.)

Try importing only Assets/Dialogue System/Examples/Art/Recon Troop. Or, alternatively, try importing everything except for the Examples folder. You won't be able to play the example scenes, of course, but the Dialogue System itself will work just fine.
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