Adventure Creator + Dialogue System + Quest Machine - some questions

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Adventure Creator + Dialogue System + Quest Machine - some questions

Post by dgames »

So title, basically what is the recommended workflow for this integration if there is any.

I'm playing with managing all three systems, they work I don't have any major problems but since I'm just stumbling around maybe there are some basic stuff I may have missed.


Regarding AC variables, those don't show up in the quest editor interface. Condition Node -> Condition Count Mode, they don't show up after I've created them in AC. They show up only if I hit play once first. Is this how it needs to be? Not a major issue as long as it works.

In AC I'm using the Third Party Give Quest and a Quest Giver component on the NPC. I can correctly give quests to player.

But because I also have the DS and want to give or control quests using the lua scripts inside DS conversations I then need a Dialogue System Quest Giver on the same NPC

So I have these two similar components at the same time. Can this create problems at some point?

I've tested and all works fine but who knows.

edit: I've noticed an issue now. Quests given to the player using the dialogue system will show up in the quest journal. but quests given using AC nodes will not show up in the journal. What could be the issue?
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Tony Li
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Re: Adventure Creator + Dialogue System + Quest Machine - some questions

Post by Tony Li »


On your NPC, you need only a Dialogue System Quest Giver. You don't need a Quest Giver component, too.

I'll look into that issue where the AC variables don't show up.
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Re: Adventure Creator + Dialogue System + Quest Machine - some questions

Post by dgames »

No it doesn't work,

If I disable the Quest Giver component then I get this warning and the the quest is not given to the player (I've added that particular quest to the Dialogue System Quest Giver quest list at the bottom of the component)

Code: Select all

Quest Machine: Give Quest action - NPC (PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.DialogueSystemQuestGiver) doesn't have a quest with ID Test Quest
Adding this quest to the Quest Giver will work correctly, no warning, quest is given and play and completes correctly (with the AC variables I've mentioned above)

It doesn't show up in the quest log window.


a second quest that I've made to test the dialogue system integration work correctly using Dialogue System Quest Giver as expected and is also added to quest log window


having both Quest Giver and Dialogue System Quest Giver active works. Each have in the quest lists the quests for their particular integration no duplicates.
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Tony Li
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Re: Adventure Creator + Dialogue System + Quest Machine - some questions

Post by Tony Li »


Do you want the quests to be combined in a single Quest Giver? If so, you must remove the Quest Giver component and leave the Dialogue System Quest Giver. You can't just disable the Quest Giver component.

However, if it's working the way you want right now (split quests), please disregard.
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Re: Adventure Creator + Dialogue System + Quest Machine - some questions

Post by dgames »


So to control Quest Machine from both Adventure Creator and Dialogue System I need both those Quest Giver components because Adventure Creator doesn't recognize "Dialogue System Quest Giver" so when asking Quest Machine to do its task using the Give Quest Node it will fail because it doesn't find the Quest Giver component.

My question is if having both those components can create issues that I may not expecting (both of them work now and there appears to be no issue that I see off) or that is fine to have them both.

The only issue that I have is that in the quest journal, the UI that Quest machine has by default, the quests that are given to the player by Adventure Creator don't show up. The quests works but they will not show up in the quest journal. I give the quest using the node from Third Party Give Quest.

Giving quest from Dialogue System (AC is not involved in this) will result in the quest being present in the journal. I give the quest inside the conversation using the lua script: GiveQuest("NPC","My Quest")

Finally I repeat both of these quests work when having the two Quest Giver components on the NPC because AC needs the "Quest Giver" and Dialogue System needs "Dialogue System Quest Giver" obviously. Otherwise they will complain that the NPC doesn't has the quest.

Actually, why do we need a quest giver as a mandatory requirement in AC? Why depend on this quest giver NPC being in the scene? I don't know the system well, maybe there is a "Give quest to player" without a need for a NPC to be present, just give it directly?
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Tony Li
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Re: Adventure Creator + Dialogue System + Quest Machine - some questions

Post by Tony Li »


You should still be able to assign a DialogueSystemQuestGiver to the AC action's Quest Giver field.

However, here's an updated Give Quest AC action that doesn't require specifying a quest giver:


This should allow you to put only the DialogueSystemQuestGiver on the player and get rid of the other QuestGiver.

Use the Give Quest AC action without specifying a quest giver if you want to give a quest directly without a giver.

Use the GiveQuest() Lua function if you want to give a quest in a conversation.

Use the Start Dialogue AC action if you want to show a Quest Machine dialogue to offer the quest.
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Re: Adventure Creator + Dialogue System + Quest Machine - some questions

Post by dgames »

the script you have posted works correctly when not dragging a Quest giver NPC, thank you

edit: ok so practically I'm checking what is going on and I've observed this

I'm adding two quest to the "Dialogue System Quest Giver" Quest list

after hitting play one of them is deleted
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Re: Adventure Creator + Dialogue System + Quest Machine - some questions

Post by dgames »

ok soooo I don't know what is going on with that particular quest asset file that vanished from the component quest list

I've created a new quest file and recreated the condition node same as the quests that vanishes. everything the same

this one works, doesn't vanishes from the quest component lists of components. AC node finds it when the quest giver is set up also.

I understand now the confusion on your side because everything should had worked as expected.
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Re: Adventure Creator + Dialogue System + Quest Machine - some questions

Post by dgames »

Here are the quests I was talking about. Quest 01 is the one that doesn't work Quest 03 is the one that works

I've compared both files in notepad and Quest 01 has a bunch of lines there that I don't know how to interpret, maybe can help you

Probably unity messed something, anyway! important that it works now, hopefully i will not find this issue again!
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Re: Adventure Creator + Dialogue System + Quest Machine - some questions

Post by dgames »

On quest 3 the AC variables issue is fixed

Creating a variable inside AC variables menu then opening Quest Editor window, it will show up in the conditions drop down menu WITHOUT hitting play first. :o :shock:
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