Dialogue System not working ingame Build

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Dialogue System not working ingame Build

Post by flame0n »


I have a very strange problem with Dialogue System. While i'm in editor everythings works fine. But in build Dialogue system looks inactive. I tried to check other topics but no result.
1. In development mode i don't have any mentions about DS in logs. Zero errors or something.
2. Tried to check if Canvas aauto-scaled. All fine.
3. Looks like it's disabled. Because i can't even hear any sounds that i connect to dialogue to check if it works.

Could you please help me to find out wht's the problem?

Unity version 2022.3.40f1
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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue System not working ingame Build

Post by Tony Li »


Check the first scene in your project's build settings. Does it have a Dialogue Manager GameObject? If so, is this GameObject configured the way you want (e.g., correct database assigned, etc.)?
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Re: Dialogue System not working ingame Build

Post by flame0n »

Yes, Dialogue Manager GameObject in scene that i bult. GameObject configured the way i want and in Editor Play Mode works brilliant.

I also check Tags. It's untagged as others GameObjects.
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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue System not working ingame Build

Post by Tony Li »


Set the Dialogue Manager's Other Settings > Debug Level to Info.

Then make a Development Build and play it.

Once you've reproduced the issue, examine the Player.log file. Trace through what the Dialogue System has reported. Make sure you see a line that starts with: "Dialogue System: Starting conversation...."
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Re: Dialogue System not working ingame Build

Post by flame0n »

So, there is no Start conversation. Only spaming this (attached).
(21.79 KiB) Downloaded 3 times
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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue System not working ingame Build

Post by Tony Li »


Those all look fine. Those are the Dialogue System's startup messages. The last one might be questionable:

Dialogue System: Loaded master database ''

There's no name for the database. But if you haven't set one, then that's fine.

Please feel free to send a reproduction project to tony (at) pixelcrushers.com if you'd like me to take a direct look.
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Re: Dialogue System not working ingame Build

Post by flame0n »

Sooo, looks like something wrong with Selector. Cause built acting actually like selector not assigned anywhere. And also i trie to switch dialogue from On Use -> On Start and canvas with dialogue loaded correctly.

Maybe you have any ideas what points i can check in Selector?
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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue System not working ingame Build

Post by Tony Li »

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Re: Dialogue System not working ingame Build

Post by flame0n »

I'm really stupid but i forgot to mention that i use UHFPS Kit in my project. Looks like it depends. Because i create clear project without it and all works fine.
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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue System not working ingame Build

Post by Tony Li »


There shouldn't be any direct conflict with UHFPS Kit and the Dialogue System. Other games use both together. You may, however, want to use this article to save UHFPS Kit data: How To: Integrate with Horror FPS Kit

So I suspect the issue is something specific in your main project, not a conflict between DS and UHFPS Kit.
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