Dialogue only showing in first scene

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Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:16 am

Dialogue only showing in first scene

Post by danieleinseth »


I am having a problem where the dialogue system I have made only shows up in the first scene where there is dialogue.

I am making a 2D point-adn-click inspired storybook, where every other scene has a character that speaks. Loading the scenes individually works fine, but when I run through it, either in I unity or in a project bake, the dialogue only shows up in the first scene with dialogue.

I am thinking this has something to do with my dialogue manager not being loaded correctly after the first scene it is in.

Thanks for the help.
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Tony Li
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Dialogue only showing in first scene

Post by Tony Li »

Hi Daniel,

If you want to use the same dialogue UI in different scenes, make it a child of the Dialogue Manager GameObject. This way it will stick around through scene changes. (Make sure "Dont Destroy On Load" is ticked on the Dialogue Manager.)
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:16 am

Dialogue only showing in first scene

Post by danieleinseth »

Thanks, that worked like a charm
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